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アミダラ暗殺未遂事件の実行犯ジャンゴは、クローンウォーズ計画において重要な人物でした。 ティラナス卿に雇われ、クローントルーパーの製造に遺伝子を提供します。 多額の報酬を約束され、遺伝子操作をしない純粋なクローンのボバを息子にします。 エメリー、オメガもその過程で生み出されます。ボバ同様、遺伝子操作を施していません。 ジャンゴはカミーノ政府と長期的な契約を結び、遺伝子を提供し続ける筈でした。 クローン軍の目的が共和国に納入する事だと自覚していましたが、真の雇い主はティラナス卿です。 実はジャンゴはティラナス卿の正体を知っています。つまりドゥークー伯爵が敵である筈の共和国の軍隊の製造に関与している事を理解しているのです。 これはカミーノ人には言いません。ティラナス卿の正体を伏せていた訳です。 つまり双方の陣営に与するシスの操作を実証できる人物なのです。 ドゥークーは、アミダラ暗殺の実行にもジャンゴを雇います。 しかししくじります、困った事にジェダイが捜査に乗り出し、オビワンがカミーノに来てしまいます。こうしてジェダイと共和国にクローン軍の存在を明かした訳ですが、アミダラ暗殺事件の容疑者として、ジャンゴが連行されそうになります。 ジャンゴ自身、まずいと感じたらしく、ドゥークーのいるジオノーシスに逃れます。 オビワンは後を追い、ドロイド軍の存在にも気付きます。 ドゥークーはオビワンを捕らえ、ジャンゴについて否定します。 こうしてシスの計画は大幅に進展しました。シスが双方に与している訳ですが、同時にジェダイが双方に与している構図にもなりますね。ちなみにドゥークーは元ジェダイです。 ヨーダはこの事象や展開を探る為に、ジャンゴを確保したがっていました。 しかしジャンゴをメイスが殺害してしまいます。不可解なシスの計画をジェダイが早期に解明することは不可能になりました。 不思議な事に戦争末期、ジェダイはティラナス卿の正体を掴みます。サイフォ=ディアスの遭難信号を受信した事に端を発します。 ドゥークーがクローン軍の製造に関与している事を解明します。 ジェダイは、双方の陣営にシスが与している事を理解し始めるようになり、ダースシディアスの捜索が進展します。 ヨーダはドゥークーの背後にシディアスがいて指示していると考えていました。その通りです。 ヨーダはパルパティーンに報告します。 ジャン

Bank Group

The banking group is ostensibly only neutral. Publicly it lends to both sides in a fair manner. However, according to Clovis, the banking group was effectively bankrupt. There was no money to lend, so the interest on the loan had to be raised. Padme didn't trust Clovis, but on Palpatine's advice, she decided to get to the bottom of it. She convinced Core Five executives to break into the vault and download the file of evidence. Clovis was willing to accuse Core Five of embezzling the bank's funds and effectively bankrupting it. But another piece of evidence, a hidden account, could not be demonstrated because he did not know about it.
If he were to go public, the bank's failure would materialize and the bank would cease to exist.

When Palpatine hears of this, as Sidious, he tips off Tyranus. If he informs Clovis of the hidden account, he can disqualify the core five of the bank. Dooku leaves it to Clovis to take over on the condition that he does not disclose his previous refusal to pay interest. He promised to rebuild the bank into a fair and neutral bank. And when Clovis heard that the CIS would now pay interest, he wanted to rebuild the banking group with debt collection after his appointment.
With the support of both the Supreme Chancellor and the Moons, Clovis became the head of the banking group.
However, Dooku reneges on his promise and refuses to pay interest in the future. If that happens, he will have no choice but to raise the interest further on the Republic's side in order to keep the bank from going bankrupt. Clovis had no choice but to give in to Dooku's demands in order to stay on as a representative so that his backroom dealings would not be exposed.
As a result of this explanation by the Speaker, who heard it from Padme, Clovis came under fire in Congress. The Senate regrets that it voted for Clovis. Then, the CIS intervenes in Scipio.

Clovis, on the CIS side, cannot be the ostensibly neutral head of the bank. It's more convenient for the Republican side. According to the Chancellor, Clovis is an agent of Dooku. We have been deceived by the CIS. He feared that the economic system of the Republic would be lost to the CIS. The Chancellor will take advantage of this situation and use hardball tactics to protect the banking group. The Republic declares that it will not give in and decides to use its emergency powers to prevent the CIS from intervening militarily by sending in the army.
However, just before the Republic's military intervention, the CIS quickly withdraws.
As ordered by Sidious, Tyranus did not turn Scipio into a full-fledged battlefield; the CIS was engineered to rob the bank, and Clovis was the mastermind behind the manipulation of the Core Five's fraud. As instructed by Sidious, Nixgaard recommends that the functions of the vacant bank be placed under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Chancellor.
The council took advantage of the deposit crisis and entrusted Palpatine with the real power of the banking group in return for protecting the deposits of the entire senate. The military's go-ahead to send in the army was considered correct.
Palpatine promised Congress that he would not fund the CIS in order to hasten the end of the war and that he would restore the banks to their former glory once the war ended.
"Lord Tyranus, you might as well have pretended not to know and provided Clovis with the fraudulent files, because involving Amidala is a risk to the world's plans. Involving Amidala is a risk to the world's plans. Skywalker has gone to Scipio, but he will not fight you. Scipio must not be turned into a full-fledged battlefield at all costs.
This war has been prolonged long enough. The fact that the banking group had remained neutral for the past three years served to prolong the war. However, if the war ended with neutrality, the economic system of the Republic could not be controlled by me. Legislators who want to see a quick end to the war will surely support the Supreme Chancellor's placing the banking group under his jurisdiction. Because the Supreme Chancellor will stop financing the CIS.
Of course, if something unexpected happens, the Supreme Chancellor will finance the CIS in secret.
