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To expect from a dozen play gas

The reservation is about to begin. This is a long-awaited novel by Mr. James Rusino.
I was checking twitter every day for the release in April this year, as noted in the post on the Bradlin. The translation of this work was personally requested to Mr. Village Books. After all, thank you from the bottom of my heart that Mr. Kadokawa realized.
Thank you very much.

Well this work is the culmination of Mr. Rucino who has studied and written Prikuel trilogy, and it is drawn from the viewpoint of cis from the question of Prikelle's story and the solution of contradictions.
In other words, he is the inventor of Sith 's Grand Plan
and consists of the life of the Palpatine who performed it. What kind of youth was he, what kind of personality was formed in Naboo, how did it originally entered the political world, how was it chosen for master play gas, they were drawn in Mr. Rusino's beautifully stunning writing style There will be. I think that it was quite a difficult English text, but due to the efforts of Mr. Tominaga, a translator, the days are closer to the bookstore.
I have been waiting for five and a half years, I am too happy.

I will give you my point of expectation.
① Palpatine received the name of Sidius, but the process of reminding us to use the name twice.
② Where Palpatine won the Senator in Naboo, he went into a partisan Karapan that belonged to Barolam. Kalapana predicts that there are many human beings.
(Although it seems obvious that it became clear with the later novel Takin, such as Karapana or sheave)
③ Training of play gas. Scenes that did not wield the lightsaber or polished the talks with a heavy conversation such as political thought and plan.
④ Scenes that endure patience and temptation of corruption and bribery prevailing in the Senate. Live clean and innocent.
⑤ Lightsaber production, electric shock training.
⑥ What was play gas doing when Anakin was born in Tatooine?
⑦ Scimitar (cis spacecraft) will appear? It was a sinar company's ship.
⑧ How will SiphoDias appear? Duke is an old friend.

Although it is the range of imagination at the moment that it is not reading, by imagining repeatedly and anticipating it, I am prided that it can be enjoyed even more after the release of the dozen play gas.

Therefore, the explanation that was made public on the Internet seems to be a hint.

Sith Lord Darth Playgas was possessed in the study of ways to make immortality possible.
After killing the teacher, Play Gas who was looking for his disciples met Planet Naboo, a 17-year-old student, Palpatine.
Play Gas fascinated by the evil Palpatine skillfully induces him to take his disciples.
Eventually they will defeat the Republic and advance the plan to destroy the Jedi.
Darth play gas that makes Palpatine active on the political front stage, himself as the president of Damask Holdings, builds huge financial strength and moves politics and economy.
He watches Jedi Master Dooku and Sipho Diaz and thinks to use it as a plan of the plan.
Although it was a play gas that I thought that life and galaxy finally dominated everything, even to experiment several times to manipulate Midi-Chlorian.

It seems that Clone Wars thought that Sidius himself had come up with Sis' plan, but it seems that he invented it with the play gas of the master thoughtfully.
I admire how much cunning play gasses skillfully made a disciple of Palpatine. Truly Sister Sith. Were 17-year-old Palpatine still immature?
Do you think that skillfully talked about skillfully as a teaching of Sith from play gas?
Was I looking at SiphoDias and Duke, was it a play gas before Siddias? At this time, both of us were in the Jedi Knights, so I think that analyzing the Jedi was also a priority for Sis. To explore weaknesses.
And Midi Chlorian's experiment was successful! I feel like I can grasp a mysterious end that is enveloped in the mystery of the creation of life. Is not the Jedi the secret of Sith who absolutely does not know?

(The true identity of the new senior leader Snork? Absolutely impossible, I think it is wrong, because the awakening of the Force has not been disclosed five years ago when this work was released in the United States)

It is almost over again!
