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スローンは帝国の体制崩壊を利用した 皇帝とヴェイダー卿を失った帝国は急速に弱体化します。 皇帝1人に権力が集中していたからです。権限移行について明確な規定はなかったので、総督モフたちは内乱を起こし、収拾がつかなくなります。   絶対的な第二の独裁者になることに彼らは必死でしたが、混沌と化します。 一度崩れた体制を立て直すのは本当に難しい。   そこに突如現れたのが死んだ筈のスローン大提督です。 複雑極まりない状況を把握していきますが、まさか本当に皇帝が死んだのには驚いたようです。 皇帝1人に依存するリスクが銀河中に露呈した今、スローンが警鐘していた通りになっていた。過度な中央集権の弊害や構造的な欠陥が次々に明らかになる。   まさにスローンが長年練り上げたファーストオーダー計画を始動する絶好の機会であります。 第二の皇帝になることを勧められても、断ったのです。中央集権の否定です。 皇帝1人に依存しない体制構築が、一気に本格化します。帝国の欠陥を次々に克服していく。 多過ぎず少な過ぎない参謀に権限を対等に分散、柔軟なシステムを構築します。 これは総督たちの内乱を鎮静化できます。中央集権体制を再建するより、はるかに低コストだ。 また肥大化した帝国を軽量化する為に、内乱を利用して削ぎ落とし効率化を図ります。   しかしスローンは何か不測の事態に直面、スノークに横取りされると思われます。 背後のシス・エターナルがスローンを用済みとみなした。 独裁者不在でも機能するファーストオーダーを構築したものの、結局脆弱な独裁者を一応配置されます。独裁と民主化のいいとこ取りです。   おそらくスローン自身、シス・エターナルに操られていた気がします。 ファーストオーダー計画は利用する価値があるが、いずれスローンを失脚させなければ、後で皇帝の脅威になるからです。 (皇帝を甦らせる上で、絶対的独裁者に依存しないシステムは利点が多かった)   一本化した統制を取らない次世代の帝国の構想に皇帝は興味を抱く、そして賞賛する。 まさかスローンが生きていた事実に、皇帝は驚愕しますが、それだけ貴重な考えを練っていたに違いないと見抜いた。銀河大戦から除外され、未知領域で練っていた貴重な考え。 皇帝は過度な権力を持ち過ぎていたと後悔、中央集権の弊害を認...

For trial after the EP1

Darth Maul, the dark lord of the Sith who killed Qui-Gon and was supposed to be killed by Obi-Wan. Did the Jedi know that name? As I've posted before, I've been wondering since I first saw Clone Wars season 3. Because in the EP3 novels, in the Jedi Temple, Obi Wan describes Yoda as "the monster he killed on Naboo". In other words, for ten years the Jedi didn't have much of a clue that the Sith were real.
My thinking on this point led me to a view.
After the blockade of Naboo, the newly elected chancellor Palpatine is returning home, and the Jedi travel together from Coruscant to Naboo to figure out what Qui-Gon was talking about with the Sith. On board the ship, the Jedi celebrate Palpatine's election as chancellor and report that Qui-Gon was assassinated by someone. Mace and Yoda do not explicitly state that the assassin might be a Sith, but at this point Sidious realizes that his apprentice is dead. After arriving on Naboo, he sarcastically compliments Obi Wan on what he owes him.
At Qui-Gon's funeral, Sidious surreptitiously overhears Yoda and Mace's conversation. "I'm sure it was the Dark Lord of the Sith that Obi Wan killed. Was it your master or your apprentice who killed him?"
Sidious also learns that Anakin has become Obi-Wan's apprentice. This would have been an unexpected turn of events.
I had speculated that Maul's lower body was the basis for the Jedi's determination that he was a Sith dark lord. If Maul had been interrogated by the Jedi when he was supposed to be dead, it would have been the worst possible outcome for Sidious.
In fact, the Jedi would have had access to a hologram that recorded the three men's death struggle. Based on this, we can assume that the mysterious monster was a Sith because of the way it fought in the martial arts of the Jedi.
The Jedi show this hologram to Palpatine. In fact, he has already auditioned it with Playgus. As instructed by Playgus, the Chancellor decides to present the hologram as evidence at the trial to help the Jedi! Delighted, the Jedi attend the trial.
Palpatine asks Viceroy Gunray if he knows the identity of the monster that killed the Jedi and what it has to do with the blockade.
The Viceroy testifies that the monster is Darth Maul. As long as he had the evidence, he felt he had no choice. But he didn't pursue the question of whether Maul was a disciple of the Sith. Also, by hiding the Mecnocheir, he did not have to say anything about Sidious' existence. Since the shadowy enforcers of the blockade did not come out, it was not clear at the trial that Darth Maul was a Sith, and it was unclear whether the Sith were involved in the case. And Sidious, who conducted the inductive interrogation as Palpatine, arranged for the Viceroy not to be demoted.
After contemplating this sequence of events, Dooku consulted Palpatine. Thinking that a cunning mind was leading and operating behind the scenes, Dooku was beginning to understand the Sith cause. Palpatine is convinced that revealing his identity, the crafting of an ingenious plan, will be a powerful frame.
Contacted as a Sith by Dooku, who was lost in meditation before the holocron in the sanctuary.
"I am Sidious, the Sith master who trained Darth Maul. It is with great regret that your former disciple Qui-Gon is dead. You admire the martial arts of Maul, I know you have a great deal about you. I know a great deal about you. Aren't you interested in advancing the Sith cause? It won't be worth it to be a Jedi."
Fascinated by this boldness, Dooku has been in close relationship with Palpatine since this time.
"By the way, Lord Tyranus, how is the Chosen One doing?"
(I was under the misapprehension that only Sidious and Tyrannus had seen the holograms, so I couldn't figure out how the Jedi knew the name of the mall.
