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⚪︎帝国内部での不満 ISBの監査官デドラミーロは、反乱分子の脅威アクシスを早い段階に見抜き警告していた。散発的に見られる反乱活動が実は組織的に統制されていたのだ。 中央集権的にゆっくり考え、脅威が実際に見えてから大胆に対処する帝国には、早い段階から分かっていなかった。中央集権の弊害である。 ISB内部においても、出世欲の為に保身に走る人材が多かった。純粋に帝国の為に考え行動しない。体制維持に貢献する事が素晴らしいと見なされ、熾烈な派閥争いと権力闘争を繰り広げ疲弊していたのである。 ⚪︎ユラーレンは分からない 反乱分子の脅威を強く警告していたにも関わらず、上層部には届かない。実際に目に見える分かりやすい脅威でないので、軽視されるのだ。早い段階で反乱分子を叩ければ、後の帝国は安泰だった筈だが、適切に対処できていなかった。これが当時の帝国である。 ⚪︎スローンは理解者 デドラミーロが正しかった事は後の帝国が証明するが、戦時下で構築された帝国の仕組みでは無理であった。後に皇帝は悔しがっている。 一番分かっていたのはスローンだろう。提督の立場で帝国の欠陥を指摘したかったが、体制維持に反する意見は言えないのである。デドラミーロ同様、帝国に対して不満を持っていた。スローンが考案していた先進的な帝国について、デドラミーロが共感する事は多かった筈だ。デドラミーロのレポートをスローンが読むべきだ。 ⚪︎イエスマンではない デドラミーロは皇帝の周囲を固めるモフたちを裏で軽蔑していた。ターキンが代表格である。スターダスト計画が徐々に表面化する訳だが、スコープに捉えるべきは大きな惑星でなく、反乱分子の工作員キャシアン・アンドーとアクシスである。 大き過ぎる大砲で惑星を丸ごと破壊するのではなく、ピンポイントで素早く低コストで始末した方が有益だった筈だ。キャシアンアンドーを始末できていれば、後に帝国が反乱に悩ませられる事はなかっただろう。勿体ない。 結局、スローンがファーストオーダー計画に着手するのは、皇帝の死後である。遅過ぎる。デドラミーロの警告から大分経つ。 帝国は皇帝とヴェイダー卿、デススター(二隻)、ターキンを失っても、反乱を止める事は出来なかった。 新共和国は敗北した帝国を裁く訳だが、帝国内部で早い段階から警告していたデドラミーロに驚く。帝国の欠陥を見事に表していた。にも関わらず軽視

Clone of behavioral suppression chip.

After receiving a report from Lord Tyranus that a Jedi had been killed by a clone trooper, Lord Sidious attempted to analyze the suppression chip by having it transported via CIS to the medical center on Coruscant to find out if it was a rare case of the property as a whole or the entire clone army. If Tap had died, the Jedi would not have been suspicious, but there was no way for the Sith to find out if other clone soldiers were experiencing similar symptoms. Eventually, Skywalker interferes and takes him to Kamino.

Shaaktee and Nala Se examine the tap and it is normal, but they are forced to perform a brain scan to determine the cause. Nala Se was concerned that the brain scan would deprive Shaaktee of the inhibitor chip. Therefore, she consults Lord Tyranus. Tyranus, the source of the funds, ordered him to kill Tap, if necessary, and take the chip before the Jedi did and send it to Sereno. Dooku takes stock of the situation and reports to Sidious that it could be unique to Ringo Vinda, comparing it to Trench's report.
Sidious has the Jedi who ordered the clone troopers and the Camino, the manufacturer, confer over the comm, and directs them to send them to the medical center on Coruscant. It was easy as I had Tyranus convince the Kaminoes to respect the Chancellor's wishes.

Unexpectedly, the Five were there with Tup, but he thought it would be expedient to get to the bottom of it by examining and comparing the chips of the clones in Ringo Vinda that made the error and those that did not. As expected, the two suppression chips were obtained by Sidious on Coruscant.
Five explains what happened to the Chancellor. According to him, Tap had been drinking Ringo Vinda's water bottle. By the way, Five did not drink it. In other words, the truth is that he drank drinking water containing a virus, such as a parasite, which caused the suppression chip to make an error. This was corroborated by the records of the Republican Army.
Five explained to the Chancellor that in addition to the taps, the chip was embedded in all the clones. Therefore, we assume that the CIS will use the virus to make the clones go haywire.

When I questioned the chairman, he told me that it was impossible for the CIS to plot a virus even before the war. This is because the clone army had not yet been made public (because even Sidious did not know of the existence of the virus). Later, while the Jedi were away, the answer Five wanted to know was that the clones would eventually betray the Jedi. The Five rebel against this and try to kill the Commander-in-Chief. The Chancellor explains in front of the Jedi that he became violent because he removed the restraint chip, as Nala Se says he did, and thus the other clones became violent. Therefore, he makes them understand that the chip cannot be removed to prevent other clones from going berserk. This ensures that Order 66 can be executed.

(Upon examination of the removed suppression chip), the two men lie and explain that the error occurred after drinking from the same water bottle. Have all the other clone soldiers vaccinated to prevent the same thing from happening. It doesn't make sense to anyone but Ringo Vinda, but he makes the Jedi realize that it's all over.

Then he will send the chip to Tyranus to take care of it, and destroy the evidence to prevent the Jedi from getting their hands on it. Since the Jedi are unaware that Order 66 has been input into the chip, Order 66 is never tracked down. If the chip is removed, the clone will be dead and there will be no way to verify it. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
