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アミダラ暗殺未遂事件の実行犯ジャンゴは、クローンウォーズ計画において重要な人物でした。 ティラナス卿に雇われ、クローントルーパーの製造に遺伝子を提供します。 多額の報酬を約束され、遺伝子操作をしない純粋なクローンのボバを息子にします。 エメリー、オメガもその過程で生み出されます。ボバ同様、遺伝子操作を施していません。 ジャンゴはカミーノ政府と長期的な契約を結び、遺伝子を提供し続ける筈でした。 クローン軍の目的が共和国に納入する事だと自覚していましたが、真の雇い主はティラナス卿です。 実はジャンゴはティラナス卿の正体を知っています。つまりドゥークー伯爵が敵である筈の共和国の軍隊の製造に関与している事を理解しているのです。 これはカミーノ人には言いません。ティラナス卿の正体を伏せていた訳です。 つまり双方の陣営に与するシスの操作を実証できる人物なのです。 ドゥークーは、アミダラ暗殺の実行にもジャンゴを雇います。 しかししくじります、困った事にジェダイが捜査に乗り出し、オビワンがカミーノに来てしまいます。こうしてジェダイと共和国にクローン軍の存在を明かした訳ですが、アミダラ暗殺事件の容疑者として、ジャンゴが連行されそうになります。 ジャンゴ自身、まずいと感じたらしく、ドゥークーのいるジオノーシスに逃れます。 オビワンは後を追い、ドロイド軍の存在にも気付きます。 ドゥークーはオビワンを捕らえ、ジャンゴについて否定します。 こうしてシスの計画は大幅に進展しました。シスが双方に与している訳ですが、同時にジェダイが双方に与している構図にもなりますね。ちなみにドゥークーは元ジェダイです。 ヨーダはこの事象や展開を探る為に、ジャンゴを確保したがっていました。 しかしジャンゴをメイスが殺害してしまいます。不可解なシスの計画をジェダイが早期に解明することは不可能になりました。 不思議な事に戦争末期、ジェダイはティラナス卿の正体を掴みます。サイフォ=ディアスの遭難信号を受信した事に端を発します。 ドゥークーがクローン軍の製造に関与している事を解明します。 ジェダイは、双方の陣営にシスが与している事を理解し始めるようになり、ダースシディアスの捜索が進展します。 ヨーダはドゥークーの背後にシディアスがいて指示していると考えていました。その通りです。 ヨーダはパルパティーンに報告します。 ジャン

Who is the Clone Army?

The unprecedented crisis that the Republic faced struck fear in all its citizens. A thousand years of peace and prosperity have struck the Senate with more fear than anyone else. Many senators should quickly guarantee the safety of the people to protect their political lives.
If our home planet is about to be attacked, we must take swift action or we will lose the public's trust in us in an instant. However, we did not have the financial and human resources to create a concrete army.
Palpatine consults the Jedi about this situation. The Jedi were opposed to the creation of an army. However, the Order was reluctant to fight on the front lines. The reason is simple. There were few knights who supported the war within the Jedi Order. They did not want to make an enemy of Dooku, a former Jedi.
Playgus and Sidious had calmly analyzed the Jedi's weaknesses. They made Dooku understand the weaknesses and flaws of the Jedi and created a Sith "work" called Tyranus. The two hatched a Clone Wars plan to deliberately break out into war and control it behind the scenes to overthrow a democracy into a munitions state. They devise a plan to shred the moral concepts of the Light Side Force and make them pay the full price for indulging in the prosperity of peace. It is a conspiracy to get the Jedi to admit that they are not qualified to use the Force.
This is where the clone troopers come into play. When the Jedi truly realize that the Republic is in danger, they will turn to a hidden clone army. If Palpatine's emergency powers are used to legitimize the use of that army, the Sith setup will be halfway successful.
To do this, it is important that the clone army be hidden and nurtured so that even the Jedi cannot detect it. Sidious uses the surface identity of Palpatine to alert the Jedi, and uses Dooku.
Later, the Jedi Knights are puzzled and relieved at the sudden discovery of the clone army. While puzzled by the sudden discovery of the clone army, they were relieved, because they had a powerful tool to defend the Republic at a great time. Refusing to fight on the front lines, the Jedi were given the position of commander of the army. The ability to command thousands of clone troopers just by being a Jedi is a great feeling. As a Jedi who can control the Force, they are under the illusion that they are qualified to lead a clone army. However, the act of using the Force and leading a clone army of advanced technology are two different things. The former is a theory of the mind, the latter is a theory of the game.
The inability to effectively command the clone army in a protracted and bogged down war situation is exposed. Gradually, the clone army becomes increasingly fatigued, and the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff diverge from the Jedi Order. The Jedi admit that they are not qualified to command. Therefore, they cede command of the clone army to the Joint Chiefs under Palpatine. At this point, the Sith are worthy of ownership of the clone army.
Well done! Tyranus! The Jedi have officially given up their army to me! We own the clone army! In return, we welcome you back to the position of the Republic to win the war.
There is an unspoken rule in the Sith that encourages betrayal. After the war ended as a Republican victory, they warned each other whether Sidious would betray Tyrannus or Tyrannus would betray Sidious. This is the command and ownership of the clone army. The right to issue Order 66.
The owners of the Clone Army are the real winners of the war. Without this, there is no point in planning, executing, prolonging, and bogging down the Clone Wars.
Palpatine has the advantage over Dooku. It is the current supreme chairman of the government who has assumed emergency powers.
Maybe Dooku knew this and accepted that he could not betray Sidious. If he was serious about betraying Sidious, there are several ways to do so, including revealing Palpatine's identity to the Jedi Council. Then he could have issued Order 66, betrayed the Jedi as well, and become the owner of the clone army. But this was not expected of Sidious. He was keenly aware that the flaw in the Clone Wars program was the betrayal of Tyranus. So he had Anakin take care of it as Dooku and successfully silence him. This eliminated the element of danger.
The rest, as you know, is a betrayal of the Jedi by having them execute Order 66. The public sentiment, which had been building up between victory and defeat, instantly celebrates the triumph of democracy and the establishment of the Empire. That is, the privatization of the clone army by the Emperor. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
