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スケルトン・クルー 第三話 感想(ネタバレ注意)

新ドラマが始動!さすがビジュアルは美しく、脚本も素晴らしい。 スピード、テンポもよく、視聴者を銀河に旅させてくれる。 ⚪︎アト・アティン 裕福な金融都市だと思われます。 建物が頑丈で新共和国の金庫ではないか。保安上、座標が明かされない。 従って海賊のターゲットにされる。シュードロウも狙っている。 まさかそんな星が実在するとは思いもしなかった。 空港がなく、上空に船が飛んでいない。孤立しているのです。 アト・アティンの人々は、自分たちがどれ程裕福か自覚していない。 ウィムは旅行に行ったことがないのでしょうか?行けないのでしょうか?(自由奔放な所がハンソロみたいだ) お昼代にしては、子供に持たせるようなクレジットの額ではないです。 裕福な癖に家庭で宇宙船を所有していない。 親たちは自ら助けに行こうとしない、ドロイド任せ。 まさかハイパージャンプしていくとは思いもしなかった アト・アティンの存在を銀河に知られてはまずい為、捜索願を出せないのです。 困りました。 ⚪︎スキピオの教訓 戦時中、共和国は銀行を国有化しました。スキピオが攻撃下に置かれ、 共和国と分離主義の預金が危機的状況だったのです。 新共和国はこれを教訓に、金庫の場所を伏せる事にした。 それがアト・アティン

Black One and Po dermelon.

Resistance one pilot, Podermellon, has caught the eye of first order monitoring and was collecting useful information for resistance. I carry out the duties with the customized X wing, black one with BB - 8.

Formerly Anakin Skywalker was conducting a clone war with Obiwan and a customized Jedi interceptor. It is a yellow paint that stands out on the battlefield. This is because I am proud of the marking that won the pod racer in EP1. I recognized that many of the soldiers who saw that fluent aerobatic flight were posters of the Clone War. It was a Jedi's first pilot.
Such anakin started piloting from 9 years old.

That son, Luke, practiced in the desert of Tatooine in Skyhopper since late teens.
I was aiming for my friend Bix Dark writer and a big mouse.

Podermelon of another was piloting a space ship from what a 6 year old!
I admired Luke Skywalker who destroyed Death Star and achieved my youngest record.
Podermellon thought that finding Luke was the ultimate goal of numerous duties. Because I wanted to hear the experiences that I met with Rook and destroyed Death Star.

However, Pau did not have the courage to paint in a prominent color like anakin and go to the battlefield. I will coat it with ferrosphere paint. This black coating escapes the sensor's eyes. Later I will coat the orange line (ferrosphere paint is expensive). Therefore it is possible to execute several tasks without first noticing the order. However, it was impossible to deceive Cairolen who manipulated the force.
It sounds like EP4's dancing tracker.

So thinking that EP1's cysts flu treasure is amazing. It is an aircraft capable of complete secret behavior that Daasidiasu made custom made by Sinar Company. The price is too high.

I also care about Naboo Royal Starship and Naboo Cruiser's silver paint. It was custom made royal specification. (Armor of Captain · Fuzzma)

Now Black One has many new features besides marking due to the development of technology. It is a socket (EP1, tribute to Naboo Fighter) to lift the BB unit from the bottom, a movable blaster (EP 5, tribute to Falcon) at the side of the engine, and so on.
Of course it is custom made!

It is a shame that such a wonderful aircraft was destroyed to the first order.
But Poe did not give up.

Because there is one more! This X wing has about 10 proton torpedoes!
Proton torpedo cheapened. Rather, the proton torpedo became smaller.

And in this new era, what we should not forget is the evolution of air-to-ground capability. It became possible to recognize and attack storm troopers on the ground with sensors at the tip. It is amazing dynamic body eyesight. This made it possible to rescue Han Solo and Chewbacca from Tacodana from First Order.

If Luke got on Black One he was really moved.
"Did you progress so much! Destroy destruction is easy as well!"
