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スケルトン・クルー 第三話 感想(ネタバレ注意)

新ドラマが始動!さすがビジュアルは美しく、脚本も素晴らしい。 スピード、テンポもよく、視聴者を銀河に旅させてくれる。 ⚪︎アト・アティン 裕福な金融都市だと思われます。 建物が頑丈で新共和国の金庫ではないか。保安上、座標が明かされない。 従って海賊のターゲットにされる。シュードロウも狙っている。 まさかそんな星が実在するとは思いもしなかった。 空港がなく、上空に船が飛んでいない。孤立しているのです。 アト・アティンの人々は、自分たちがどれ程裕福か自覚していない。 ウィムは旅行に行ったことがないのでしょうか?行けないのでしょうか?(自由奔放な所がハンソロみたいだ) お昼代にしては、子供に持たせるようなクレジットの額ではないです。 裕福な癖に家庭で宇宙船を所有していない。 親たちは自ら助けに行こうとしない、ドロイド任せ。 まさかハイパージャンプしていくとは思いもしなかった アト・アティンの存在を銀河に知られてはまずい為、捜索願を出せないのです。 困りました。 ⚪︎スキピオの教訓 戦時中、共和国は銀行を国有化しました。スキピオが攻撃下に置かれ、 共和国と分離主義の預金が危機的状況だったのです。 新共和国はこれを教訓に、金庫の場所を伏せる事にした。 それがアト・アティン

Kylo Ren's lightsaber

Once Luke Skywalker lost his father's lightsaber, he made his own at Benkenovi's hiding place in his hometown. I referred to the book of Jedi left by Ben. The content was full of amazing mystery. According to that, I used Benkenobi's design as a base, but I do not have the essential Kyber Crystal. So we use a furnace to train multiple crystals. Although it was difficult, it succeeded brilliantly. As expected, there is only anakin's blood flowing. Its workmanship was highly praised by Vader. And also to Lord Sidius.

Luke who overcame Sith's lineage at Enda rebuilds the Jedi Knights. As promised to Yoda
and Obiwan. However, there was a problem in taking multiple disciples. It was hard for him to make his own lightsaber at the same time at the beginning of training. It is because difficulty of experiences experienced and that there are not many crystals beforehand and can not be trained. Luke felt a little, but I regret that I should have kept the Jedi's rule that he should not have more than one disciple at the same time. As a result, the disciple 's lightsaber was disappointing. I could not teach the structure by rounding my own lightsaber. Because it is only one. I sincerely want one book I lost in the first fight with Vader. It was Han and Leia 's son Ben that best supported it among his disciples.

Ben who wanted to be stronger than other disciples lost the temptation of Snoke and killed themselves. In order to carry out that betrayal, a stronger lightsaber was indispensable. So I dyed the crystal red and made a cross weapon. After that, I will continue to use my grandfather's lightsaber until I get it, but the degree of completion is low and I have trouble. Because there is only one crystal and it is not stable.
I believed that someone kept my grandfather 's weapons.

Luke felt his weapon was the last lightsaber based on Jedi's knowledge.
But one day a woman named Ray comes to hand my grandfather's lightsaber. Luke is relieved that his grandfather's weapon did not pass to Cairolene. And I will bet the expectation as a Jedi in Ray who has a lightsaber in the Force.

It is the beginning of the one-on-one principle of the Jedi. If either Luke or Ray dies, it gives the lightsaber used for the new disciple. There are only two people to know about this phenomenon. It is the adoption of the secret principle of the Jedi Knights. Luke declared dead secretly they collusion, training and skilling the skills of snake heart. There is nothing to suffer from the production of the lightsaber any longer.
