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⚪︎工作員たちの水面下の戦い  ルーセン、キャシアンたちは表に出ません。彼らが胆に銘じている事は、 「帝国を怒らせるな!気付かれるな!こっそり欺け!」 帝国と真正面で戦争したら勝ち目はないからです。従って、ヴェイダー率いる正規軍を投入させてはならないのです。  皇帝は目に見える脅威でないと、ヴェイダーを使いません。帝国の屈強な拳。 ⚪︎ルーセンはヴェイダーを恐れている ルーセンは散発的な統制で、帝国を欺いています。デドラミーロは不安要素であるものの、帝国の組織に組み込まれた一員である為、厄介ではありません。本当の脅威はヴェイダーです。 ヴェイダーは帝国の組織構造や政治的束縛に縛られず、横断的な行動を皇帝から許されています。行動が早いんです。中央集権的に動く帝国はアクシスを何度も逃しますが、ヴェイダーは迅速にアクシスを追い詰めていくでしょう。 ルーセンを締め上げれば、何でも吐かせる。いかに帝国がこの男に欺かれているか芋づる式に暴きます。ヴェイダーだったら反乱の前兆を見過ごしません。 ⚪︎デドラミーロとヴェイダー卿が接触したらまずい デドラミーロはアクシスについて警告していました。しかし上層部は軽視します。分かりやすい脅威でないので、優先度は高くないのです。これが当時の縦割り構造の弊害だ。しかしヴェイダーのような立場で横断的に考えれば、容易に対策を打てる。 これがルーセンの恐れていた事です。接触する前にミーロを対処した方がいい。 もし皇帝がヴェイダーをISBに派遣したら、数日で内部のスパイを見抜き、吐かせ、処刑する。フォース感応者ですから。ISB内部の情報が漏れていた事実に皇帝は憤慨する。それよりもアクシスの脅威を軽視していた事実が許せないでしょう。「そんな報告なかった」 予告編を見た限り、ISBに行くのはおそらくクレニック。クレニックとヴェイダーはローグワンまで接触していないので、残念ですがヴェイダーは登場しない。帝国は反乱の前兆を見過ごした、反乱を叩く絶好の機会を逃した。

Star killer base: shortening production period

I really hate in the Star Wars release schedule in recent years! As new releases are released to theaters at one year intervals, a tremendous social phenomenon occurred. To be honest, it is hard for me to read books and study Star Wars. Books are aligned, I'm particular about the way I look at this stuff carefully.

When Prikel was released ten years ago, I did not get on with this method. Director Lucas' stance to release a new work every three years was clear
for audiences.
By setting a long production period, the burden on the production team was reduced, finished in a high-quality work with a high degree of quality, and created a high-quality video work that brings out the satisfaction of the audience.
In fact the state-of-the-art technology of the age was invested with enormous funds, and Primquer produced was full of image beauty.

Over the next decade, with the evolution of technology, the speed of information, logistics, economics, finance and entertainment of the world has dramatically improved. Computing has become widespread in our general society, processing processors, which are the essence of information technology, at a low price, small size, light weight, and high speed.
Along with that, it is the needs for the general public to demand entertainment movies, the needs for quick new publication and the need to easily see the works. In this regard Hollywood and the movie industry are aware of it, shortening the production period is an issue in order to bring huge profits in a short period of time.

Use high-performance processors, increase the number of professional personnel, invest a huge amount at a stretch .. everyone thinks so. However, JJ Abrams chosen as Lucas tried to overcome this challenge with an idea impossible for ordinary people.

"Let's destroy the capital planets like Coruscant at once!"

In the case of Primquer, in the production of CG animation, the imaging of the capital planet Coruscant was burdened with computers at the time. Even though the appearance time of Coruscant in the play is short, finishing to Coruscant of high quality is Lucas' s desire. During the three years of grace, it seems that the time required for the visualization of Coruscant was long.
Lucas asked JJ to visualize it in the same way (Poznian Prime) 10 years later,
The risk was high in order to be in time for Disney's public disclosure schedule.

Therefore, Disney executives acknowledge the plan to destroy the capital planet entirely with the first weapon "Star Killer" at the stage of script writing at the stage of the first order.

With this, JJ 's brilliant idea will easily solve the burden on the production team and realize new needs.
Screenplay power is terrible.
