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Han · Solo Star Wars · Story, impressions. (It is not spoiler)

Well, it was very interesting!
It is the second spin-off work following Rogue One. Although it was not good in the United States, I believed that it is suitable for it because it carries the signs of Star Wars and Disney.
Director is director Ron Howard, who previously directed "Apollo 13".

Because "Apollo 13" was a thorough realism and documentary oriented work, I imagined that this time Han Solo Star Wars story was also documentary
seemingly good.
I was careful about spoilers from disclosure in the United States. I decided not to imagine too much a story or development, do not predict too much, to enter the world of Han solo without prejudice.
I managed to succeed in that attempt!

This work can be called a Disney-like attraction type sensuous Star Wars!

It was a content like traveling the galaxy with instinct, which is different from the final Jedi-like reasoning and image relying on existing knowledge. The target age group felt somewhat conscious of children, but it felt the faithfully the request of Old Fan.
Elements of the Clone Wars are scattered in the Primquar generation. I was very happy.

It is two hours and fifteen minutes long, but it really ended quickly. I think that the unity of the work is wonderful. Truly Directed by Ron Howard!

For example, a scene that carries "Coxicium" in a Falcon and carries the Kessel nebula with tremendous speed. While flying off the attack of the Thai fighter, he is maneuvering, but "coaxium" is a weak delegate of a shock, it is serious if it detonates. Because it watches over the rough maneuver of Falcon on the premise, it is easy to empathize and emotion easily. It is a splendid technique.

The scene of a cold planet like Vandore, the image of the morning sun shining out of the fog was too beautiful and overwhelmed. Is this CG? That's amazing! I would like to praise the ILM for praise.
It was a scene change from a dirty planet in the mire called Mimbang, so I was glad to see Han and Chew! I can not help thinking.
At the beginning, the scene at the Space Port, where the fate of Han and Keira is separate, the angle of the camera is finished in a dynamic picture, so you can see that this time also aims at empathy. At the same time it is unbearably fun to observe asted mesodroids, creatures, and sets.

From the amateur's perspective, Alden Enair Enrique's performance seems to be similar to Harrison Ford.
Emilia Clark was also familiar. It was a different impression from the appearance of Daisy Ridley and Felicity Jones. The performance of Donald Glover and Land Carrigian also carries a splendid scent of smell. The fluency of the droids and the lines of the L3 was also nice.

I want to visit the theater about twice more!
