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アミダラ暗殺未遂事件の実行犯ジャンゴは、クローンウォーズ計画において重要な人物でした。 ティラナス卿に雇われ、クローントルーパーの製造に遺伝子を提供します。 多額の報酬を約束され、遺伝子操作をしない純粋なクローンのボバを息子にします。 エメリー、オメガもその過程で生み出されます。ボバ同様、遺伝子操作を施していません。 ジャンゴはカミーノ政府と長期的な契約を結び、遺伝子を提供し続ける筈でした。 クローン軍の目的が共和国に納入する事だと自覚していましたが、真の雇い主はティラナス卿です。 実はジャンゴはティラナス卿の正体を知っています。つまりドゥークー伯爵が敵である筈の共和国の軍隊の製造に関与している事を理解しているのです。 これはカミーノ人には言いません。ティラナス卿の正体を伏せていた訳です。 つまり双方の陣営に与するシスの操作を実証できる人物なのです。 ドゥークーは、アミダラ暗殺の実行にもジャンゴを雇います。 しかししくじります、困った事にジェダイが捜査に乗り出し、オビワンがカミーノに来てしまいます。こうしてジェダイと共和国にクローン軍の存在を明かした訳ですが、アミダラ暗殺事件の容疑者として、ジャンゴが連行されそうになります。 ジャンゴ自身、まずいと感じたらしく、ドゥークーのいるジオノーシスに逃れます。 オビワンは後を追い、ドロイド軍の存在にも気付きます。 ドゥークーはオビワンを捕らえ、ジャンゴについて否定します。 こうしてシスの計画は大幅に進展しました。シスが双方に与している訳ですが、同時にジェダイが双方に与している構図にもなりますね。ちなみにドゥークーは元ジェダイです。 ヨーダはこの事象や展開を探る為に、ジャンゴを確保したがっていました。 しかしジャンゴをメイスが殺害してしまいます。不可解なシスの計画をジェダイが早期に解明することは不可能になりました。 不思議な事に戦争末期、ジェダイはティラナス卿の正体を掴みます。サイフォ=ディアスの遭難信号を受信した事に端を発します。 ドゥークーがクローン軍の製造に関与している事を解明します。 ジェダイは、双方の陣営にシスが与している事を理解し始めるようになり、ダースシディアスの捜索が進展します。 ヨーダはドゥークーの背後にシディアスがいて指示していると考えていました。その通りです。 ヨーダはパルパティーンに報告します。 ジャン

DarthPlayGas comprehension impression. (spoiler alert)

After the first volume, I was hesitating to read the second volume, but I finally read it.
Simply put, it's a Legends overview book. It is packed with contents drawn by Mr. Lucino's works of Star Wars fact file so far. Instead of sticking to only one piece of work, Mr. Rucino is an experience of enjoying comprehensive works of multiple works.
This book is drawn heavily in the mysteries that fans have not been able to reveal with Priquel, scenes expected by fans, from the perspective of Darth Sidiouss and the dozen play gasses.

How did Play Gas and Sidiouss invented Sis' plan?
That is because I asked questions about Jedi, especially Siphodias and Duke, and I was consulting. It is a good skill of Lord Sidias who lies in front of a Jedi though it is cis. I am also good at play gas. However, while Palpatine could beat the dark side in the
Force, it seems that it was not easy to contact the Jedi. First of all, practicing with Siphodias, I guess it was a misdeed in the future to oppose Yoda and Mace.
I listened diligently to what the Jedi was afraid of, fearing, analyzed, and warmed up the plan.
Never a grand plan only. The problems of the Republic, the relationship between the Jedi and the Senate, and the Force.
To know enemies is power (dark hunter). It seems that Siphodias and Duke have just said the weakness of the Jedi. Sith learned not only the dark side but also the light side thoroughly (revenge of Sith)
That is, I did not consider Sith 's magnificent plan alone. That is to say.

Regarding the case of Naboo blockade, companies that increase connexion and influence to Congress, representatives are Trade Unions. Palpatine who entered the political world makes the most of this organization.
It was also drawn on a fake mask, but expanded the seat of the trade union instead of the remote planet in the outer rim. If the voting rights become stronger, it will be convenient for the later plan. Trade Union 's Board of Directors was formed, but it was inconvenient that there were directors other than Nemodian. It is the play gas to see the overlooking behind this, but it is almost Siddias to do.
I was arranging the benefits of the Trade Union so that it would be handled by Nout Gunray. Actually Gunray served as a member of the Trade Federation, where Palpatine was interested.
Many influential people thrilled with Naboo blockade gather. Preparation for that was pretty well done.
Siddias which I first communicated to Gunray was also drawn. If you threaten to threaten, Gunray "What are you going to do during a meal!" Lol say a bad thing about Gunray and take it to a boss. I think that the information was probably bought with play gas funds.

Although the Clone Army is an important piece of Sith, it seems that it was difficult to realize the growth of humans at a double speed at a high rate. In order to make it come true, Play Gas promised the Camino Government a huge loan.
Siphodias was not a creator of clone manufacturing, it was Zubari play gas!
I asked for Siphodias to ask for manufacturing. Siphodias may have been afraid of the clone army turning to the enemy of the Jedi.

I was deeply moved by the encounter between Duke and Palpatine. "I'm thinking of leaving the order" Dooku told Sidius for the first time the determination to withdraw from the Jedi! Sydias was looking for how serious the Dooku was, hungry. It seems that it was not Darth Mall, Dooku was the person who told Palpatine about Anakin Skywalker who came to the shrine! Duke was in the shrine at the time, did not he?

The background behind the planning of the Clone Wars plan is "How do you deal with 10,000 Jedi in an instant?" Political restructuring of the Republic, centralization, exhaustion of national strength, etc. are secondary.
No matter how much you negotiate with the Jedi, this challenge is not thought unless you are cis. We calmly analyzed the weaknesses of the Jedi, the present state of the Republic, the precursors of the battle, steadily preparing. In order for Siddias to perfectly execute it, I absolutely wanted the chair of the highest president of the Republic. Information on all galaxies will be reported to humans.
The Jedi who was losing sight of justice as justice was defeated to Sith long before Order 66. Jedi was not qualified to rule the galaxy.

In me, it can be said that it is a more interesting work than the labyrinth of evil, false mask, takin, catalyst.
This is LEGENDS! Let's buy those who have not read yet in the bookstore to make it the best seller!
