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スノークの死後、最高指導者に即位したカイロレンは指揮系統を再編します。 銀河全域における侵攻作戦は事実上、成功しましたが、今後長期的に体制を維持する必要があります。体制維持は侵攻作戦より莫大なコストが必要です。 しかしファーストオーダーは莫大なコストを有していませんでした。 元々、効率的な特殊作戦を目的とした低コストの軍事組織であり、帝国のような国家運営を想定していないのです。 各地で疲弊していく現状を把握したカイロレンは、全てのファーストオーダーを統合化していきます。実はカイロレンはファーストオーダーの真の実態を、スノークほど理解していなかった。 ファーストオーダーは帝国と構造が違い複雑です。 分散化した効率的な非中央集権体制などわからない。 すなわち弱い兵力で銀河を効率的に支配する事を迫られます。 統合化していく中、兵力物資の少なさに愕然とします。今後長期的な体制維持など無理だ。 スノークを葬る事でシステムを破綻させた事を後悔します。 かつての帝国を再現して、中央に君臨する皇帝にはなれない。プライド元帥は見抜いていた。 カイロレンはさらなる統合化を目指し、エクセゴルに誘われます。 シス・エターナルにとってはファイナルオーダーに移行する絶好の機会です。ファーストオーダーを救済しながら、主導権を奪う魂胆だ。 エクセゴルの艦隊を餌に、カイロレンを手玉に取る皇帝。 ファーストオーダーの疲弊はおいしい状況だった。体制維持を保障してやるのだ。 しかし物量で保障するのではない。多数の惑星破壊兵器を銀河全域の急所に展開させて、恐怖を最大化する。これにカイロレンは驚愕した。スターキラーより惑星破壊のハードルを大幅に低下させたのだ。 “銀河全域の星を少なくして効率化する” “少数の僕による完璧な銀河の統治” “惑星破壊の権限を1人で独占しない”

EP9 D23 scene, About ISD fleet.

D23 finally released a new video of EP9! ! !
I thought I would wait until October, but Disney and JJ really surprised me! Not like Ryan Johnson. I personally think that the stock price of Disney, which fluctuates in the background. This is the first time that Star Wars is influenced by the trends of a single company.

Well, there are so many posts on the internet that expect EP9. It might be a fierce whirl, thinking whether to induce public opinion and enthusiasm with the topic of Mandalorian and Obiwan a few days ago.

It is not a new video trailer for EP9. It is structured with awareness of how many shots can be shown within a limited short period of time to create a high-impact publicity. JJ and others have proven that short-time video is effective!

Well, Ray with a red double blade is a topic, but personally, a large star destroyer fleet (hereinafter referred to as ISD) was impressive.
First Order does not have an impeller-class battleship. Because it is an outdated aircraft. If it is not the property of the first order, is it an old imperial asset or an imperial heritage?

The emperor has concealed his troops and weapons of mass destruction in the past. These include Camino's clone army and Trade Federation's droid army. He made a loophole in the customs law established by the Senate, and secretly traded with executives who were exhausted from trial. He spilled funds in secret, produced them carefully, and produced stronger troops than expected by galactic citizens. The right to execute is left to the weapons industry. They only need to buy a product, whether the client's Republican government or separatist wealthy will win or lose. It only has to be profitable. Based on the principle of competition, “quality, low-priced products” overflow in the market. The more companies that enter the competition, the greater the choice of clients and the creation of a rich market.
Emperor Palpatine realized this mechanism using a weapon called Sidious.
The emperor was praised as an absolute loyalty and superlative client in the weapons industry because he did not disband the military after the end of the clone war. There is no limit to the expanding military market.

Because of this background, it is possible that the emperor who should have died had hidden the ISD somewhere.
I'm not sure if it will come back to life, but the ISD fleet would have held it as the emperor's trump card.
Does the Emperor require anything in exchange for passing the ISD fleet to the first order?
Do you trade with Kyoren? Including hacks.

(I'm curious about the soldiers that move the battleships. Are there any weapons industries that offer good software and droid brains to operate with limited first-order soldiers?)

The emperor seems to be angry that Snork has destroyed the capital of the New Republic with a star killer.
This is because the parliament that took over the basics of centralization established in the Imperial Senate has been destroyed.
If it exists, it may have been the intention to have the ISD appear publicly and to activate the emergency power again. Hacks regrets that it would have been better to legally dismantle Congress without destroying the capital with labor-intensive weapons like Star Killer.
