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スノークの死後、最高指導者に即位したカイロレンは指揮系統を再編します。 銀河全域における侵攻作戦は事実上、成功しましたが、今後長期的に体制を維持する必要があります。体制維持は侵攻作戦より莫大なコストが必要です。 しかしファーストオーダーは莫大なコストを有していませんでした。 元々、効率的な特殊作戦を目的とした低コストの軍事組織であり、帝国のような国家運営を想定していないのです。 各地で疲弊していく現状を把握したカイロレンは、全てのファーストオーダーを統合化していきます。実はカイロレンはファーストオーダーの真の実態を、スノークほど理解していなかった。 ファーストオーダーは帝国と構造が違い複雑です。 分散化した効率的な非中央集権体制などわからない。 すなわち弱い兵力で銀河を効率的に支配する事を迫られます。 統合化していく中、兵力物資の少なさに愕然とします。今後長期的な体制維持など無理だ。 スノークを葬る事でシステムを破綻させた事を後悔します。 かつての帝国を再現して、中央に君臨する皇帝にはなれない。プライド元帥は見抜いていた。 カイロレンはさらなる統合化を目指し、エクセゴルに誘われます。 シス・エターナルにとってはファイナルオーダーに移行する絶好の機会です。ファーストオーダーを救済しながら、主導権を奪う魂胆だ。 エクセゴルの艦隊を餌に、カイロレンを手玉に取る皇帝。 ファーストオーダーの疲弊はおいしい状況だった。体制維持を保障してやるのだ。 しかし物量で保障するのではない。多数の惑星破壊兵器を銀河全域の急所に展開させて、恐怖を最大化する。これにカイロレンは驚愕した。スターキラーより惑星破壊のハードルを大幅に低下させたのだ。 “銀河全域の星を少なくして効率化する” “少数の僕による完璧な銀河の統治” “惑星破壊の権限を1人で独占しない”

Different dimension of income

Another dimension of box office revenue

Finally 5 days to release! I feel like accelerating after entering the single digit! A little more history can be seen!

Although the report was delayed, I was able to secure a ticket and a seat that was outstanding even with this work.
It was scheduled to be released at the same time in Japan and the United States starting at 18:30 until the previous work, but this work is scheduled to be held in limited numbers in several halls such as TOHO Cinemas Roppongi, followed by late-night screening.
I enjoy the screening at 24:00!
So, I bought the ticket prepaid, but I didn't buy the advance ticket. I didn't sell it at a convenience store. Advance tickets are very expensive in bulk purchases.
Why is such treatment applied to the work now?

Perhaps Disney is not recommending cheap advance tickets. Of course, targeting high profits is common sense in private companies.
This is the only unprecedented situation in December that will lead to high profits. If you miss the maximum profit here, it is an absolute loss for the company.

What if you have to purchase a 10,000 yen ticket to see the dawn of Skywalker? There seems to be a pros and cons, but it should probably lead to a conclusion that there is no choice but to buy. Because this is a movie series with so much support. This will generate enormous revenue for Disney and secure a huge and stable source of income. The audience will not regret it.

An extreme analogy, but it doesn't matter if it's not healthy.
It's a great opportunity to reward, reward, and reward the production team that created the Skywalker Dawn! Wouldn't it be nice to do some good work?

In addition, Rei's true identity, the process of reviving Emperor Palpatine, and the secret of C-3PO are worth it! The secret to overturn the common sense of Star Wars is that it is so expensive. It's not as thin as you can see in normal consideration. So Disney's high price strategy is not wrong.

A company that can devise such a strategy is worthy of praise. Thank you.

And some of the uses of the huge income should be devoted to the production of the next Star Wars film and the Galaxy Edge. Star Wars High quality, luxury and cutting edge even in the age of yesterday. Hire high equipment and first-class people. In addition to the Ryan Johnson trilogy, funds can be devoted to the Mandalorian and Clone Wars series. The platform will be further enhanced and strengthened.
