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スケルトン・クルー 第三話 感想(ネタバレ注意)

新ドラマが始動!さすがビジュアルは美しく、脚本も素晴らしい。 スピード、テンポもよく、視聴者を銀河に旅させてくれる。 ⚪︎アト・アティン 裕福な金融都市だと思われます。 建物が頑丈で新共和国の金庫ではないか。保安上、座標が明かされない。 従って海賊のターゲットにされる。シュードロウも狙っている。 まさかそんな星が実在するとは思いもしなかった。 空港がなく、上空に船が飛んでいない。孤立しているのです。 アト・アティンの人々は、自分たちがどれ程裕福か自覚していない。 ウィムは旅行に行ったことがないのでしょうか?行けないのでしょうか?(自由奔放な所がハンソロみたいだ) お昼代にしては、子供に持たせるようなクレジットの額ではないです。 裕福な癖に家庭で宇宙船を所有していない。 親たちは自ら助けに行こうとしない、ドロイド任せ。 まさかハイパージャンプしていくとは思いもしなかった アト・アティンの存在を銀河に知られてはまずい為、捜索願を出せないのです。 困りました。 ⚪︎スキピオの教訓 戦時中、共和国は銀行を国有化しました。スキピオが攻撃下に置かれ、 共和国と分離主義の預金が危機的状況だったのです。 新共和国はこれを教訓に、金庫の場所を伏せる事にした。 それがアト・アティン

First Order Plan: Highly flexible organization

From ancient times, it has been important to deal with all kinds of unforeseen circumstances and act quickly. Even with a long and elaborate plan, sudden changes can occur.

The emperor was surprised by many enemies during his lifetime. He was forced to respond flexibly many times.

He admits that the empire was dangerous if he made a mistake. With that in mind, he made Snork create a flexible and agile organization. Being smaller than it was in the empire was convenient in that respect.

Consistently from the time of the empire, it was important to achieve the emperor's orders accurately and quickly. However, once the content was announced, it could not be easily changed. The emperor relied heavily on Lord Vader each time, but Vader was also limited. This is why Lord Vader was removed from the ranks of the empire and made objective.

In particular, the slow destruction of the Death Star frustrated the emperor. Despite the tremendous cost of completion, there was clearly a problem with agility. Addressing this issue was an urgent task for the empire. How good would the empire be if the emperor could easily switch to destroy the planet!

The root cause may be that the rule structure became fixed as the emperor continued to take full control. Besides, the size of the organization was too large and there was no opportunity to reform the control structure later.

The solution was for the emperor to disguise his death and have Snork reorganize the empire as a first order.

With the latest technology, we have adopted a flexible system that quickly shifts the chain of command. I'm assuming that Snork is dead or even unforeseen. He made him anticipate the contingency in every respect than the empire. This has significantly reduced the probability that the First Order plan will fail. Transfer command from Snork to Kylo Ren. In the old empire, it's a dysfunction.

All systems that make up the First Order can be switched instantly. In other words, there is no clearly pure concept of a single command tower. All ships are linked at a high level. Complement each other and do each other. Especially the evolution in communication systems and sharing of weapons was tremendous.

Even if it was damaged by an external attack, it was dispersed, so it had the advantage of being able to be quickly minimized. Minimizing damage is important for small troops. Even if Premacy is destroyed, it is possible to quickly migrate the system to Stedfast.

Since it has a small number of weapons compared to the empire, it is a benefit that a high cost can be spent on each battleship. If it is lost or destroyed, it will be a big blow, and each ship is valuable. The loss of the Starkiller base was serious.

Snork carefully devised a Starkiller destruction order and an invasion plan, but was forced to change the timing shortly before. It was the moment when the flexibility of the first order was demonstrated.
