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アコライト 第五話 感想(ネタバレ注意)

⚪︎シス卿現る シスは1000年の間、姿を隠し密かに潜伏していたが、この件でジェダイの前に姿を現す。秘密主義の掟を破ったのだ。明らかにリスクの高い行動である。 こうなった以上、ジェダイを全員始末するしかない。 カイミールという身分で偽っており、ジェダイに対する嫌悪感を抱いていたが、弟子のメイにも正体を明かす事となった。メイを二重で欺き、マスターへの忠誠を試していたのである。そして嘘をつかせない。嘘をついたとしても見抜ける。 ジェダイを戦闘で打ち負かしても、戦略的には負けたと思う。明らかに失態だ。ジェダイを死なせてはいけないんだよ! 自らを犠牲に仮面を破壊したパワダン、ジェキ・ロンに賛辞を送りたい。 マスター達がシスと戦っている間、メイを逮捕するなど戦場全体を俯瞰して行動できている。 ⚪︎評議会に報告するしかないが これだけジェダイの死傷者がいる以上、評議会に知らせず内々に処理するのは無理な気がする。子供のパダワンを含む犠牲をヨーダは感じているだろう。 しかしEP1になってシスが姿を現し存在が表面化した事実と矛盾する。 おそらくマスターソルは評議会に報告したくてもできないのではないか?コルサントに帰れない? シスがこの事態を隠蔽するには、ソルが帰るのに乗る船を破壊するのがいい。現地住民はいない。他に目撃者はいない。 ⚪︎ライトセーバーの性能 ジェダイ一行はシスと過激で熾烈な戦闘を繰り広げる。 この時代のライトセーバーはよく故障する。対ブラスターに重点をおき、対セーバー戦を想定していないので、パワーセルの電力が弱いと思われる。 一方のシスは、対セーバーを前提に作られているらしく、非常に高性能だ。 ⚪︎シスのフォーム カイミールの振り方は、明らかにダースシディアスの習得する型と似ている。暴力的でジェダイを出し抜く戦闘技術だ。 しかしどうやらジェダイの武芸には通じていないらしい。 おそらくカイミールは、のちのモールのように戦闘ドロイドを相手に訓練していたと思う。生身の相手よりマシンの方が冷酷だ。 ⚪︎ソルの反省 唯一の生き残りソルは、暗黒面に落ちかけた。復讐や怒りをジェダイは禁止している。 仲間の死体をその場に捨てている。執着は禁止されているからだ。 踏み止まれたオーシャに感謝している。オーシャは今ジェダイではないが、パダワンでよかった。

Obi-Wan Episode 5 Impressions (Caution for spoilers)

This drama takes into account both prequel fans and old fans, but I didn't think it would set up such a skillful story. He showed off a splendid spin-off with a high degree of perfection in line with the tough world created by Lucas. The platform is working.

○ EP3, Emperor's Declaration of Victory "I can't drive the remaining Jedi and keep them alive as one!"

But the emperor ordered Vader to keep the 1% Jedi alive. That is Riva. And Grogu, later the Great Interrogator. By intentionally keeping it alive, it was a soul to cook the angry dark side that killed his companion. A plan to make Vader a minion of the empire by training him.

○ Riva's anger was very helpful. And ambitious. The emperor kept the distance between Riva and Vader. Vader did not surprise Riva. I had the Great Interrogator inform the true intentions of Riva. Riva became a tool to find Force Sensitives to get closer to Vader in order to take revenge on Vader. And finally I found Obi-Wan!

○ However, it was unexpected to betray the Great Interrogator.

While treating the Great Interrogator, let Riva concentrate on searching for Obi-Wan by saying, "I don't care about the Great Interrogator." It's easy to control once you've flickered your promotion to a Great Interrogator. Meanwhile, the Great Interrogator was observing the appearance of the Third Sister. She wanted to kill Vader, but he was laughing at her becoming Vader's puppet.

The Great Interrogator warns Vader. "I'm going to kill you"

Vader then creates a great opportunity by showing Riva a surprise. He was enthusiastic and surprised at his revenge on Obi-Wan. I tried to expose his blade or reveal his true nature.

Riva colluded with Obi-Wan, but Vader was more cunning.

As the Great Interrogator warned, his position is unwavering. He certainly has the most loyalty of any interrogator.

He found Obi-Wan, so he doesn't need to keep it alive anymore.

It was useless because I didn't really want to get rid of Obi-Wan from the beginning. The anger at Vader was worth it. He needed close ties with the Great Interrogator.

The dark side, anger control is important. Difficulty in controlling force can have catastrophic consequences. I can't take care of Riva any more. It would be good to catch Obi-Wan.

○ Besides, the survival of the Jedi is in my head and has been reported to the emperor.

There are survivors that can be used other than Riva. (Easy to find if you use a pass) There is also a list of people who escaped from Order 66. Jedi blessed with the luxury of force, the reality that the light side weakens will be painful.

○ Riva was watching Anakin kneeling at the emperor.

She noticed that Riva was Anakin Skywalker. This is different from other survivors. The reason she was obsessed with Obi-Wan was to feed on Obi-Wan and defeat Vader. Anakin's teacher is Obi-Wan. She knew that too, of course.

I should have saved Anakin from the dark side!

Anakin's loss was a pain to the Knights.

He should have been near Anakin!

○ As a result, Riva informed Obi-Wan of the fact that Anakin survived.

He has to inform Organa that he missed Leia (it's safe)! "It was bad to be kidnapped. Tatooine?" But I don't know the fact that Leia is Vader's daughter.

She understands how skillfully she was manipulated by Vader and the Great Interrogator. She captured Obi-Wan and lost just one step away from revenge on Vader. She was picked up by a large cross-examination officer and became a third sister, but she was easily abandoned. The end of the dark side.

Both of them were good people when they were Jedi. ..

○ Riva was willing to elucidate the reality of Pass and hide it from the empire. He wanted to find a companion. Survival is definitely dangerous once the empire reveals the path.

But she neglected something important. The emperor and Vader are intentionally kept alive. Anakin has already killed the inconvenient Jedi. By acknowledging the existence of the pass, the Jedi, which is worth using, will be alerted. You may find Yoda someday. The emperor's nemesis.
