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⚪︎帝国内部での不満 ISBの監査官デドラミーロは、反乱分子の脅威アクシスを早い段階に見抜き警告していた。散発的に見られる反乱活動が実は組織的に統制されていたのだ。 中央集権的にゆっくり考え、脅威が実際に見えてから大胆に対処する帝国には、早い段階から分かっていなかった。中央集権の弊害である。 ISB内部においても、出世欲の為に保身に走る人材が多かった。純粋に帝国の為に考え行動しない。体制維持に貢献する事が素晴らしいと見なされ、熾烈な派閥争いと権力闘争を繰り広げ疲弊していたのである。 ⚪︎ユラーレンは分からない 反乱分子の脅威を強く警告していたにも関わらず、上層部には届かない。実際に目に見える分かりやすい脅威でないので、軽視されるのだ。早い段階で反乱分子を叩ければ、後の帝国は安泰だった筈だが、適切に対処できていなかった。これが当時の帝国である。 ⚪︎スローンは理解者 デドラミーロが正しかった事は後の帝国が証明するが、戦時下で構築された帝国の仕組みでは無理であった。後に皇帝は悔しがっている。 一番分かっていたのはスローンだろう。提督の立場で帝国の欠陥を指摘したかったが、体制維持に反する意見は言えないのである。デドラミーロ同様、帝国に対して不満を持っていた。スローンが考案していた先進的な帝国について、デドラミーロが共感する事は多かった筈だ。デドラミーロのレポートをスローンが読むべきだ。 ⚪︎イエスマンではない デドラミーロは皇帝の周囲を固めるモフたちを裏で軽蔑していた。ターキンが代表格である。スターダスト計画が徐々に表面化する訳だが、スコープに捉えるべきは大きな惑星でなく、反乱分子の工作員キャシアン・アンドーとアクシスである。 大き過ぎる大砲で惑星を丸ごと破壊するのではなく、ピンポイントで素早く低コストで始末した方が有益だった筈だ。キャシアンアンドーを始末できていれば、後に帝国が反乱に悩ませられる事はなかっただろう。勿体ない。 結局、スローンがファーストオーダー計画に着手するのは、皇帝の死後である。遅過ぎる。デドラミーロの警告から大分経つ。 帝国は皇帝とヴェイダー卿、デススター(二隻)、ターキンを失っても、反乱を止める事は出来なかった。 新共和国は敗北した帝国を裁く訳だが、帝国内部で早い段階から警告していたデドラミーロに驚く。帝国の欠陥を見事に表していた。にも関わらず軽視

Bad batch S2 episodes 7 and 8 Impressions(Caution for spoilers)

This is a masterpiece! You made it a clever and amazing episode!

Thank you, Director Filoni. You will not betray Star Wars.

There are only human resources that Lucas caught a pole and line.

The process of the clone army's retirement, events that were calculated in detail have been revealed.

And the beginning of the Stormtrooper plan is drawn.

The Empire had contained its intended destruction of Kamino, Tipoca City. However, since it is an act of vandalism that mobilizes clones, there is a possibility that it will be leaked artificially. The emperor is concerned.

Funds on Kamino, or defense budget, are probably being used for the Death Star program. It is illegal because it was done without reporting to the Senate.

The empire even secretly carried out dirty missions, such as getting another clone to take out a clone's dangerous elements. It was Lieutenant General Lampard who carried out the whole post-war process.

Behind Lieutenant General Lampard is Tarkin. In fact, Lampard is only following Tarkin's orders, and Tarkin is in charge of the actual planning of the post-war process. In the case of Tipoca City, the actual destruction was Tarkin's orders, but officially it was Lieutenant General Lampard.

However, while the Defense Conscription Bill, the Stormtrooper Project, was being debated, something unexpected happened. A rogue squad has demonstrated the destruction of Tipoca City. After all, Mr. Batoni, who belonged to the Defense and Military Budget Committee during the war, is also likely to speak. (I also know how to use war expenses and the flow of money) (The Republic secretly invested in the Death Star project)

Unfortunately, General Lampard was silenced by Tarkin, but it turned out to be an unfavorable development.

The Emperor, listening quietly under the rotunda, takes the podium himself, declares Lieutenant General Lampard's own despicable deeds, and promises Congress to punish him, along with his clone army. And he finally gets the Stormtrooper plan approved by the Senate.

At the same time as the post-war process, the enactment of the defense conscription bill and the retirement of the clone army will clean up two birds with one stone. Amazing. (The budget for retirement of the clone army is no longer needed.)

No one could have predicted that the emperor had calculated so far.

Once again the Emperor has deceived the galaxy. He deceived even Tech.

Now, did you come up with this emperor's calculation in those few minutes? His head is spinning too fast. This is my personal guess, but I think the Emperor had Tarkin figure it out. He assumed it in advance and took measures to deal with it.

"If there is evidence of the destruction of Kamino, there is no evasion, Tarkin. You know?

"What if Lampard screwed up? Your Majesty"

"That's right, your position will be in danger. Think about how to deal with it."

"... Lampard's dogmatism is best. It's convenient because the clones obeyed, Your Majesty."

"Excellent! Excellent. Continue to focus on the Death Star plan. I will take over the rest."

○ Organa: The emperor fears a collapse from within.

Indeed, dictatorships are like that. I made an example of Lampard.

An internal enemy that stands against the emperor is a threat. The more central it is, the greater the threat.

Expand the stormtroopers and strengthen the maintenance of the system. curb the rebellion.

○ Batoni "Lama Sue was puffed up"

The Republic won the war using the clone army, so the Kamino government was confident.

Since cloning technology is known throughout the galaxy, it seems that they hoped to have customers outside of the Empire. The empire was concerned about it, the empire took away the cloning technology.

○ The clone army is an army prepared for the emergency of the republic in the first place. It's technically the Jedi's hidden army. The war is over, so it's clear that the emergency is over. Therefore, it is wrong to continue the wartime regime and require conscription. So the emperor defined the rebellion as an emergency.

○ The clones followed Lampard = the clone army was expanded. It was convenient that they were all the same. Basically, the face is not visible due to the helmet, and it is difficult to distinguish them individually. It can blur the clones that were on Kamino and those that weren't.

○ Republics that did not give seats to the clones. I thought clones were products for war. The Jedi were different. The Republic gave seats to the Kamino government instead of the clones. The Kamino government was happy with that. I would never have thought that I would lose my seat after the war. Instead, the empire gave seats to the military (here Lampard). Tarkin is manipulating behind it.

○ Although Kamino was destroyed, the fact that the empire actually controlled cloning technology is scary.

He intends to abuse the cloning technology that was created with the Republic's high investment. Imperial secret project.

Narase is alive. Will you appear next time? Report directly to the emperor?

Instead of producing a large number of clones at once, spend a lot of money to produce a perfect invulnerable clone? "Combining the genes of extinct races to create a perfect clone?" "Reviving the ancient Jedi with clones and incorporating the blood of the dark side?" "Fusion with Sith bioengineering?"
