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⚪︎帝国内部での不満 ISBの監査官デドラミーロは、反乱分子の脅威アクシスを早い段階に見抜き警告していた。散発的に見られる反乱活動が実は組織的に統制されていたのだ。 中央集権的にゆっくり考え、脅威が実際に見えてから大胆に対処する帝国には、早い段階から分かっていなかった。中央集権の弊害である。 ISB内部においても、出世欲の為に保身に走る人材が多かった。純粋に帝国の為に考え行動しない。体制維持に貢献する事が素晴らしいと見なされ、熾烈な派閥争いと権力闘争を繰り広げ疲弊していたのである。 ⚪︎ユラーレンは分からない 反乱分子の脅威を強く警告していたにも関わらず、上層部には届かない。実際に目に見える分かりやすい脅威でないので、軽視されるのだ。早い段階で反乱分子を叩ければ、後の帝国は安泰だった筈だが、適切に対処できていなかった。これが当時の帝国である。 ⚪︎スローンは理解者 デドラミーロが正しかった事は後の帝国が証明するが、戦時下で構築された帝国の仕組みでは無理であった。後に皇帝は悔しがっている。 一番分かっていたのはスローンだろう。提督の立場で帝国の欠陥を指摘したかったが、体制維持に反する意見は言えないのである。デドラミーロ同様、帝国に対して不満を持っていた。スローンが考案していた先進的な帝国について、デドラミーロが共感する事は多かった筈だ。デドラミーロのレポートをスローンが読むべきだ。 ⚪︎イエスマンではない デドラミーロは皇帝の周囲を固めるモフたちを裏で軽蔑していた。ターキンが代表格である。スターダスト計画が徐々に表面化する訳だが、スコープに捉えるべきは大きな惑星でなく、反乱分子の工作員キャシアン・アンドーとアクシスである。 大き過ぎる大砲で惑星を丸ごと破壊するのではなく、ピンポイントで素早く低コストで始末した方が有益だった筈だ。キャシアンアンドーを始末できていれば、後に帝国が反乱に悩ませられる事はなかっただろう。勿体ない。 結局、スローンがファーストオーダー計画に着手するのは、皇帝の死後である。遅過ぎる。デドラミーロの警告から大分経つ。 帝国は皇帝とヴェイダー卿、デススター(二隻)、ターキンを失っても、反乱を止める事は出来なかった。 新共和国は敗北した帝国を裁く訳だが、帝国内部で早い段階から警告していたデドラミーロに驚く。帝国の欠陥を見事に表していた。にも関わらず軽視

Bad Batch S2 episodes 15 and 16 Impressions(Caution for spoilers)

○ Summit held

I thought it was a public meeting with a large number of people, but it was actually a small, secret, informal gathering of high-ranking imperial officials who oversee important imperial projects. The location is Takin's local Eliadu. It takes place in an impregnable fortress. It seems that the summit was suddenly decided, and only a few people in the empire know about it. And it will be over in a short time.

Therefore, although it was a delinquent squad that was able to grasp Summit's information, the time required for preparation was extremely short. High risk without a backup plan.

Krennic was also present, sharing information on several important projects with a small number of high-ranking officials. The breath of the emperor is at stake to advance multiple plans simultaneously. In fact, it is highly probable that the Emperor is secretly overhearing this meeting on Coruscant. Maybe Lord Vader is listening too.

Vader was skeptical of Krennic. (Krennic is later suspected of leaking information)

The Empire, which took the cloning technology from the Kamino government and nationalized it, made the entire clone army its property. It's up to the empire to decide what to do with the clones and what to do after the war. It seems that they are taking into consideration the backlash that accompanies it, that is, the sympathy and concerns of the clones, but they have not reached a breakthrough.

Hemlek wants to solve that problem once and for all and be recognized by Tarkin. It's the emperor's usual trick to make his subordinates compete and come up with the best plan. I let Tarkin do this too.

○ Sawgerera

As you can see, it was supposed to be a bad squad with a much higher mission success rate than standard clones, but this mission was certainly risky. The preparations were slow, the Imperial elite assembled in an impregnable fortress, and the summit planned by Tarkin, the most calculating of the Imperial officials.

A number of uncertainties worked against it. However, the biggest failure factor is the appearance of Saw Gerrera. If the extremist Sougerrera hadn't destroyed the fortress, the odds of success would have been high.

Sougerera had already grasped the information about the summit beforehand. He was pleased that this was the perfect time to eliminate Tarkin and other high-ranking Imperial officials in one fell swoop.

What this tells us is that Sougerrera should have been incorporated into the organizational strategic process. If we do not grasp the operations and actions of all insurgents in advance and take control over whether or not to carry them out, we will fail. It becomes a troublesome development.

It was necessary to grasp in advance how Sougerera would act and how the delinquent squad would act, and then consider who should be given permission to execute. Arbitrary missions lead to unforeseen circumstances that crush other missions.

It was supposed to be a delinquent squad with a high mission success rate, but as expected, the mission failed. It resulted in the loss of Tech and Omega, and an injury. This is a serious loss.

Lusen Reyel, who later helped found the Rebel Alliance, took this into account. By systematically controlling the entire rebellion, he avoided a situation in which arbitrary missions crushed other missions. In fact, he had contacted Sawgerrera in advance and knew what he was doing.

I was scrutinizing the information given to him who was radical.

As a result, Rusen's control functioned very well, mission after mission was successful, and the Rebel Alliance was formed. Sacrifice can be reduced.

○ Sid

Hemlek wanted to use his crosshairs to lure the bad squad, but in the end, Cid sold them. The hunters couldn't guard against Cid himself. Certainly, the empire will be promised a larger reward than the profit so far. If Cid informs the empire, it will be immediately known to the empire's upper echelons, and orders will be given to Hemlek from the top down. It will be early.

○ Emery

It turns out that Omega's brother is Boba and her sister is Emery. All three are precious beings with the original Jango Fett genes. There's a secret about the clones, something the Kaminoans are hiding from the empire. Emery seems to be hiding from the empire that he is a clone. She also hides her true identity from Narase and Ramasu. It's a strange story about clones studying clones. Perhaps Omega will hide Emery's identity.

I don't think he should be considered the property of the empire like any other clone.

"We are different from other clones"

Emery wanted to find Omega more than anyone else.

*It's interesting that Tarkin said something about the Jedi at the Summit.

It's true that he has many questions about the late Jedi. He cannot question the emperor. Even Tarkin wasn't convinced by the Emperor's explanation that they were really plotting the Clone Wars. Lord Vader knows all the answers.

And I'm still amazed at the scientific feat the Kaminoans achieved, the ability to create large numbers of human clones at once in a short amount of time.

Perhaps this speaks to the emperor as well. If such a scientific feat is possible, isn't it also possible to bring the dead back to life?

(Chancellor Palpatine didn't allow the Kaminoans to clone Jedi. Might have something to do with the Force, midichlorians)
