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スノークの死後、最高指導者に即位したカイロレンは指揮系統を再編します。 銀河全域における侵攻作戦は事実上、成功しましたが、今後長期的に体制を維持する必要があります。体制維持は侵攻作戦より莫大なコストが必要です。 しかしファーストオーダーは莫大なコストを有していませんでした。 元々、効率的な特殊作戦を目的とした低コストの軍事組織であり、帝国のような国家運営を想定していないのです。 各地で疲弊していく現状を把握したカイロレンは、全てのファーストオーダーを統合化していきます。実はカイロレンはファーストオーダーの真の実態を、スノークほど理解していなかった。 ファーストオーダーは帝国と構造が違い複雑です。 分散化した効率的な非中央集権体制などわからない。 すなわち弱い兵力で銀河を効率的に支配する事を迫られます。 統合化していく中、兵力物資の少なさに愕然とします。今後長期的な体制維持など無理だ。 スノークを葬る事でシステムを破綻させた事を後悔します。 かつての帝国を再現して、中央に君臨する皇帝にはなれない。プライド元帥は見抜いていた。 カイロレンはさらなる統合化を目指し、エクセゴルに誘われます。 シス・エターナルにとってはファイナルオーダーに移行する絶好の機会です。ファーストオーダーを救済しながら、主導権を奪う魂胆だ。 エクセゴルの艦隊を餌に、カイロレンを手玉に取る皇帝。 ファーストオーダーの疲弊はおいしい状況だった。体制維持を保障してやるのだ。 しかし物量で保障するのではない。多数の惑星破壊兵器を銀河全域の急所に展開させて、恐怖を最大化する。これにカイロレンは驚愕した。スターキラーより惑星破壊のハードルを大幅に低下させたのだ。 “銀河全域の星を少なくして効率化する” “少数の僕による完璧な銀河の統治” “惑星破壊の権限を1人で独占しない”

The Mandalorian S3 Episode 4 Impressions(Caution for spoilers)

Director Favreau & Filoni showed amazing images again this week!

Last week you showed us New Republic-ruled Coruscant, and you've used those resources for The Mandalorian! (Time setting is different)

How did Grogu survive Order 66?

The actual event is beautifully visualized. It's amazing how serious you are.

○ Verification of Sith's revenge and that method

Last year's drama, Cassian Andor, had high hopes for the empire's weaknesses and the story of how the Rebellion was founded. The empire's weak points were written in considerable detail in the script, but I can't shake the impression that the details of the rebel army's creation were carried over to season 2.

And although 17 years have passed since Revenge of the Sith was released, I also had the impression that detailed verification was neglected. Lucas' draft script is perfect and works as a strong framework, but there's gotta be something to check. This is because the script was written by Lucas alone.

However, it seems that Lucasfilm did not neglect to verify the Sith's revenge in leading Canon. That was put to good use in the production of The Mandalorian S3.

In revealing the past of Grogu who experienced Order 66, it shows Sith's revenge from a different angle.

Wait, this technique has been used before, right? That's right, it's the method used in the final season of the Clone Wars. It was drawn from the perspective of Ahsoka and Maul from a different angle when Order 66 was issued.

In the case of Mandalorian, it is drawn from the perspective of Grogu when Order 66 is issued.

This technique allows you to draw the key scenes of the skeleton from every angle, giving you a more complete overall look and a more detailed understanding of each point of view.

You can perfectly understand and sympathize with the moment Order 66 changed the fate of the galaxy. This is the validation of Revenge of the Sith itself.

○Will Padme appear next time?

Well, Grogu nearly escaped the temple when Order 66 was issued.

He is then pursued by a gunship in the city and safely landed on Padmé's platform. And when you get on Padmé's ship, there are a lot of things you don't understand.

Arranged by Jar Jar, so not Padme? It is also speculated that

But personally, I don't think it's possible that Padmé made the arrangements herself, as Padmé hasn't been to Mustafar yet.

Also, when did Padme talk to Obi-Wan?

From Grogu's point of view, there are many unknowns, such as when Yoda and Obi-Wan return to Coruscant, when Palpatine becomes emperor, when he swears the empire, and when he contacts Organa.

Something must have happened while Padmé was alive. In other words, it is also Padmé's point of view. There was something he was hiding from Anakin.

Rather than jumping to conclusions from the too-fast tempo of Revenge of the Sith, Grogu's past is revealed by extending the short scenes from different angles.

For those of us who like Sith revenge, it's full of treasure footage.
