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EP X production decision! About rebuilding the Order

At Celebration 23, a sequel to the Skywalker saga featuring Rey as Daisy Ridley was greenlit!

While the drama and anime were being distributed on Disney Plus, the corona crisis settled down and we decided to turn to the theatrical version. It seems that the project itself has been in progress for several years, and Lucasfilm seems to have carefully considered it.

Now, set 15 years after The Rise of Skywalker, Palpatine's grandson Rey Skywalker will rebuild the Jedi Order.

Led by JJ, The Rise of Skywalker is an outlandish production on a very short-term shooting schedule. Although there are pros and cons, I personally think that it is a work that should be evaluated more.

In contrast, EP X has more time, so I would like it to cost more than Sequel. I am looking forward to using the newly developed production resources (volume) for drama production.

Rey rebuilds the Jedi Order, but there are concerns.

I hope Rey doesn't make the same mistakes that Luke did.

That is the "rule of two". Luke neglected this. He trained several apprentices at once, causing them to fight with each other and Ben Solo to fall for the temptations of the dark side. As a result, it collapsed from within.

Ray is told by Luke about his own failures. A descendant of Sidious.

In EP X, it will be revealed to what extent Rei understood and practiced the "rule of two" in order not to make the same mistake.

In contrast, the Sith abused this Code. By monopolizing this rule only for masters or only for disciples, they encourage betrayal. Apply the principle that only one Sith should exist at a time to ensure the transmission of their evil teachings. The Sith twisted the law to ensure he inherited all of his knowledge. This is what made the Sith immortal for over a thousand years.

Rey should follow the rules and rebuild the Jedi Order, but in reality, Rey is the only survivor of the Jedi. Many people will not be able to train. It's inconvenient.

I feel that the hint to overcome this is in the Sith Eternal and the Jedi Order of the Old Republic era. They did not monopolize the "rule of two" by either master or disciple, but shared it by all.

By understanding each other's rules, betrayal can be suppressed, and a solid relationship of trust is nurtured between the disciple and the master.

Even if there are multiple first-year students who are taught by Rei, if everyone understands the rules, they can be vigilant against betrayal around them.

Envy and greed are curbed by disciples sharing knowledge equally. That's how Yoda did it.

And since Palpatine is dead, the dark side is less of a threat than it was in Luke's time.

Rey is a descendant of Palpatine. "The power he has is the power you have"

I want you to fully use the tremendous power that has avoided being abused by becoming a Sith to rebuild the Jedi Knights.
