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Palpatine was really about to lose (>_<)

Someone familiar with Star Wars asked this question online.

"Did Palpatine lose to Mace Windu on purpose?"

The answer will be divided depending on the person, but it seems that the majority are affirmative.

He's the strongest Palpatine. .

Perhaps there was a purpose to show Anakin that he was about to lose, or that there was a purpose to demonstrate Jedi's full power seizure, coup d'etat,

It seems that there are many things to think about.

Palpatine is mighty and unmatched! "Hmmm." .

But he was actually really close to losing.

Without Anakin, he would be dead.

Even after eliminating Yoda and Obi-Wan, defeating the elite Mace Windu entailed considerable risk.

Sidious is certainly strong. However, it is a fact that it is dangerous to fight with spiritual theory without being based on realism. It would be too reckless to jeopardize the Sith's millennia of carefully thought out plans.

So how do you avoid risks? Using Anakin as a weapon.

Anakin's betrayal of Mace Windu is what the Sith want.

Yoda, Mace Windu, and Obi-Wan were defeated by Sidious because they did not expect Anakin's betrayal.

For Anakin, choose a Jedi, or choose Padmé, and you have a strong Sith puppet.

If you want to stir up fear and save Padme, tell him to betray the Jedi.

And let them understand the scenario where the Jedi were all set to take over the Republic.

Betray the Jedi to tempt you with the power you gain.

As Palpatine was concerned about the risk, he was about to lose to Mace Windu, but with the arrival of insurance called Anakin, he betrayed the Jedi as expected.

In extreme cases, I was thinking of having Anakin and Mace compete right in front of me.

Consideration that he deliberately pretended to lose to Mace Windu? I feel like it's easier to fight against Anakin without doing such a risky thing.

Mace actually comes before Anakin.

Sidious possessed a weapon called Anakin, which greatly reduces his risk. If Anakin wasn't on Coruscant, he would likely have been defeated by Mace Windu. (Mole was aiming for it)

I think it's easy to think about the idea that Palpatine is worshiped as an absolute existence and that he is the strongest no matter what he does.

But it is not based on realistic realism.

Especially Japanese people seem to rely on absolute existence. The battleship Yamato will not sink, nuclear power plants are absolutely safe. Think in terms of psychology.

Even Palpatine wasn't competent and perfect from the start. At Legends, I was only losing elections, and I was thinking about giving up on politics.

But he was soft-spoken and had a reliable staff member, which saved him.

(Even the Jedi are staff officers) (later founded by Moff)

*Even after 17 years since Revenge of the Sith, I feel like it's too late for a question like this to be asked online.

In fact, the Clone Wars project is clever and grand, but old. It is so well known that it has lost its rarity.

It's okay to love prequels, but you can also turn your attention to the First Order plan. The recent literature on the First Order is also worth reading.
