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スケルトン・クルー 第三話 感想(ネタバレ注意)

新ドラマが始動!さすがビジュアルは美しく、脚本も素晴らしい。 スピード、テンポもよく、視聴者を銀河に旅させてくれる。 ⚪︎アト・アティン 裕福な金融都市だと思われます。 建物が頑丈で新共和国の金庫ではないか。保安上、座標が明かされない。 従って海賊のターゲットにされる。シュードロウも狙っている。 まさかそんな星が実在するとは思いもしなかった。 空港がなく、上空に船が飛んでいない。孤立しているのです。 アト・アティンの人々は、自分たちがどれ程裕福か自覚していない。 ウィムは旅行に行ったことがないのでしょうか?行けないのでしょうか?(自由奔放な所がハンソロみたいだ) お昼代にしては、子供に持たせるようなクレジットの額ではないです。 裕福な癖に家庭で宇宙船を所有していない。 親たちは自ら助けに行こうとしない、ドロイド任せ。 まさかハイパージャンプしていくとは思いもしなかった アト・アティンの存在を銀河に知られてはまずい為、捜索願を出せないのです。 困りました。 ⚪︎スキピオの教訓 戦時中、共和国は銀行を国有化しました。スキピオが攻撃下に置かれ、 共和国と分離主義の預金が危機的状況だったのです。 新共和国はこれを教訓に、金庫の場所を伏せる事にした。 それがアト・アティン

Axis reserved for ISB

Lusen Reiel who appeared in the drama Cassian Ando. He built a network of rebel elements throughout the galaxy and helped found the Rebel Alliance. Officially, he works at an antiques store and pretends to be an agent. His success and achievements are the behind-the-scenes existence that is not praised by anyone.

Numerous dirty covert operations, silences, and smudges torment him with guilt.

All for the cause of the Rebel Alliance. His belief is passed on to his protégé Cassian.

A delicate and delicate network stretched throughout the galaxy. Lusen, who built it, is the most important target of the Imperial Security Bureau ISB, "Axis", and is targeted for elimination.

Now, let's assume the Axis has fallen into the hands of the ISB.

The occurrence of shortages that even Lusen could not foresee, human error by personnel, information leaks, accidental and unpredictable events, and Lusen's own mistakes can all be considered.

The rebel network that Lusen built is in crisis. Doctor Ghost's interrogation will uncover one after another.

The rebels' decentralized organizational structure will be exposed, and the empire will be shocked.

The shock that the empire has been deceived so far by just one man.

Because the Empire is single and centralized, it could not deal with controlled and decentralized insurgency. The limits of the organizational structure of the empire at the time were exposed. Clarification of the actual situation of Axis is extremely difficult, and the fact that the empire, which is supposed to be the strongest in the galaxy, has been deceived makes my teeth grind. The emperor may be the most frustrated. He cannot be forgiven as the central figure of the empire. Regret not being able to grasp the actual situation of Axis until now. His base of operations was Coruscant!

But the emperor will not let Lusen go. As the central figure who created the empire, he is the key to discovering the empire's flaws. Also, the empire can't necessarily destroy the network just by publicly disposing of Lusen. Local insurgents may take precautions and go into hiding.

After the ISB secures Luthen, it breaks control of the network and intentionally undermines it by foiling many insurgency efforts. This is easily possible if Lusen is misinformed under the supervision of the ISB.

Perhaps ISB will end up in Mon Mothma eventually.

The emperor resents the fact that the imperial senators were involved in rebellion. The Senate was the source of funding for the rebels. The empire is stunned by the fact that despite infiltrating that many spies into the Senate, they were unable to stop them.

However, I presume that his protégé Cassian has sniffed out this situation. Lusen also considered the possibility of himself being captured by the Empire. Warn the empire before it undermines the network. Better hurry. Take advantage of decentralized activities.

And Cassian has to get rid of Lusen.

He needs to get rid of him before he spits everything out on the ISB in interrogation.

Since Lusen is also secured, he wants it. It's painful, isn't it?

The ISB investigates Lusen thoroughly and reports the Empire's flaws to the Emperor.

○ Harmful effects of the imperial centralized system

○ Advantages of decentralized governance

○ Control by minority

○ How information should be shared

In order to overcome these, it will be necessary to rebuild the dictatorship that was built up during the war, and since it is advanced, it will be difficult to obtain the consent of the emperor's staff. The fixation of the controlling structure gets in the way. But as long as the emperor reigns, it can't be helped.

The Emperor helps plan the upcoming First Order. He creates a new empire that overcomes the imperial flaws.

*There is a possibility that the rebel specters that appear in the anime Rebels also received instructions from Lusen. It took control and contributed to the rebellion. Even the Specters do not know Lusen's identity.

A relationship with rebel spy "Fulcrum" may also be revealed in Season 2.
