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スケルトン・クルー 第三話 感想(ネタバレ注意)

新ドラマが始動!さすがビジュアルは美しく、脚本も素晴らしい。 スピード、テンポもよく、視聴者を銀河に旅させてくれる。 ⚪︎アト・アティン 裕福な金融都市だと思われます。 建物が頑丈で新共和国の金庫ではないか。保安上、座標が明かされない。 従って海賊のターゲットにされる。シュードロウも狙っている。 まさかそんな星が実在するとは思いもしなかった。 空港がなく、上空に船が飛んでいない。孤立しているのです。 アト・アティンの人々は、自分たちがどれ程裕福か自覚していない。 ウィムは旅行に行ったことがないのでしょうか?行けないのでしょうか?(自由奔放な所がハンソロみたいだ) お昼代にしては、子供に持たせるようなクレジットの額ではないです。 裕福な癖に家庭で宇宙船を所有していない。 親たちは自ら助けに行こうとしない、ドロイド任せ。 まさかハイパージャンプしていくとは思いもしなかった アト・アティンの存在を銀河に知られてはまずい為、捜索願を出せないのです。 困りました。 ⚪︎スキピオの教訓 戦時中、共和国は銀行を国有化しました。スキピオが攻撃下に置かれ、 共和国と分離主義の預金が危機的状況だったのです。 新共和国はこれを教訓に、金庫の場所を伏せる事にした。 それがアト・アティン

The reason why the constitution could be amended many times

The Clone Wars project, which is still popular today, is sure to excite you.

As I posted the other day, the Republic reorganized into a dictatorship during the Clone Wars due to militarization and centralization.

In the process, the 1,000-year-old Constitution of the Republic was radically altered.

It was changed in a short period of time.

But is such a thing possible with common sense?

It seems impossible. It's a national constitution.

Actually it is possible.

As expected, if the republic's constitution has been followed for 1,000 years, there have been voices calling for constitutional amendments, such as ``I want to change this here'' and ``I don't mind if it's like this''.

But of course you can't. It's a constitution that must be obeyed. .

In fact, there were things that needed to be changed in response to the changing times. However, there was no "opportunity".

Such a republic hits a national crisis called the Clone Wars.

This is the greatest crisis in the nation's history. The life of the people and the survival of the nation are at stake. Unfortunately, the republic's constitution is unarmed pacifism. In the first place, it is the content that was made in peacetime for 1000 years.

When moving the Republican Army, the constitution gets in the way, and they can't do what they want.

Millions of lives are at stake. Worst case, you lose the war. I'm in trouble.

Palpatine promises:

He said, ``I accept temporary amendments to the constitution.

When this is said, it becomes the idea of ​​"If that's the case, let's make a drastic change at this time." And then the constitution goes through revision after revision.

This makes it easier for the Republic to fight in a military advantage.

At the same time, the correction items that I wanted to change so far are realized at once.

It's supposed to be applied during wartime, but once it's changed, it's surprisingly good.

Before I knew it, the constitution had changed dramatically in a short period of time.

All have parliamentary approval. The trigger was war.

This is blaspheming democracy.

"Nothing is Impossible for the Sith"
