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スローンは帝国の体制崩壊を利用した 皇帝とヴェイダー卿を失った帝国は急速に弱体化します。 皇帝1人に権力が集中していたからです。権限移行について明確な規定はなかったので、総督モフたちは内乱を起こし、収拾がつかなくなります。   絶対的な第二の独裁者になることに彼らは必死でしたが、混沌と化します。 一度崩れた体制を立て直すのは本当に難しい。   そこに突如現れたのが死んだ筈のスローン大提督です。 複雑極まりない状況を把握していきますが、まさか本当に皇帝が死んだのには驚いたようです。 皇帝1人に依存するリスクが銀河中に露呈した今、スローンが警鐘していた通りになっていた。過度な中央集権の弊害や構造的な欠陥が次々に明らかになる。   まさにスローンが長年練り上げたファーストオーダー計画を始動する絶好の機会であります。 第二の皇帝になることを勧められても、断ったのです。中央集権の否定です。 皇帝1人に依存しない体制構築が、一気に本格化します。帝国の欠陥を次々に克服していく。 多過ぎず少な過ぎない参謀に権限を対等に分散、柔軟なシステムを構築します。 これは総督たちの内乱を鎮静化できます。中央集権体制を再建するより、はるかに低コストだ。 また肥大化した帝国を軽量化する為に、内乱を利用して削ぎ落とし効率化を図ります。   しかしスローンは何か不測の事態に直面、スノークに横取りされると思われます。 背後のシス・エターナルがスローンを用済みとみなした。 独裁者不在でも機能するファーストオーダーを構築したものの、結局脆弱な独裁者を一応配置されます。独裁と民主化のいいとこ取りです。   おそらくスローン自身、シス・エターナルに操られていた気がします。 ファーストオーダー計画は利用する価値があるが、いずれスローンを失脚させなければ、後で皇帝の脅威になるからです。 (皇帝を甦らせる上で、絶対的独裁者に依存しないシステムは利点が多かった)   一本化した統制を取らない次世代の帝国の構想に皇帝は興味を抱く、そして賞賛する。 まさかスローンが生きていた事実に、皇帝は驚愕しますが、それだけ貴重な考えを練っていたに違いないと見抜いた。銀河大戦から除外され、未知領域で練っていた貴重な考え。 皇帝は過度な権力を持ち過ぎていたと後悔、中央集権の弊害を認...

Drama Acolytes Exposed to Republic Corruption

Set 100 years before The Phantom Menace, Acolytes reveals the prosperity of Sith Lords and Jedi infiltrating the Republic, and why the Senate is dysfunctional.

Once upon a time, democratic republics enjoyed peace and prospered. The Senate was still alive and well, a great nation serving its people. It was a period of economic and cultural growth, and the democratic process was functioning.

It is war-free and puts the public interest first.

It was the height of the Jedi Order following the High Republic, and it was fully exercising the power of the light side.

But behind the scenes, the Sith survived with just the two of them. Their rule kept the Sith Order alive. Vengeance against the Jedi is a threat.

How to rot the republic? War? Is it really possible with just two people? The Sith Lord thinks desperately. The biggest worry was how to get rid of the swelled 10,000+ Jedi in an instant. That's what it means. Impossible with the average brain. (This solution idea may be interesting)

Sith Lords adopt secrecy after the Battle of Ruusan. Never let the Jedi find out that the Sith are still alive! Make me think the Sith are dead.

Secrets are the strength of the Sith! (You will be pretending to be a false identity)

As expected, the Jedi forget that good and evil coexist and neglect the Sith threat. I am relieved and confident that I have completely destroyed the Sith.

EP1 ``The Sith perished 1000 years ago.

Drama acolytes seems to be the biggest theme around here.

Viewers who thought that the Sith was the strongest, such as the Empire and Lord Vader, could not believe that the Sith was so weak! and you will be shocked. I think you'll be intrigued by how desperate the Sith are to get their revenge on 10,000 Jedi.

In the end, the Sith plan to rot the Republic from within. Disguise his identity and infiltrate the center of the government. He pours poison into the democratic "tree" of the republic, making sure it slowly seeps in from the edges. It is so quiet that the Jedi do not notice it and do not see it as a threat.

I would probably use a corporate body such as a trade federation.

It was around this time that corporations began to give seats in the Senate. He's going to let corporations join parliament and bring economic benefits to the republic, but it's going to go awry. This is because it puts corporate interests ahead of the public interests of the Republic. Senate property is a good target and coveted.

It is wrong to give them seats in the first place. (later developed into a weapons industry)

I don't know who the Supreme Chancellor of the Acolytes' era was, but I think he was a man who relied on the Jedi Knights and gave them important posts. (Possibly a non-human unrelated to House Valorum)

The post of Supreme Chancellor is the envy of any Sith Lord.

But the Sith are not yet ready to take bold action. Because the Chosen One is not born.

*It overlaps with the era when Magister Damask was alive. I'm not sure if he will appear, but the paperback Darth Plagueis is full of hints.

I recommend reading it once after the drama Ahsoka.

By the way, the process of devising a solution to destroy the Jedi Knights in an instant was ambiguous.

Damask had his financial assets flowing to the Senate. Corruption and bribery are rampant. He encourages all kinds of injustice.

*Looking forward to the arrival of Coruscant.

However, it may not be the skyscrapers you thought. (However, the Jedi Temple is as splendid as ever)  It's 100 years before the Phantom Menace. A city of beautiful curves that is the complete opposite of the concrete Imperial Palace. Growing Coruscant with many non-humans.

(red, gold, white)

*Technology is also 100 years old. Things that will be possible in 100 years will be technically difficult in this era. I look forward to such a calculated performance. (Is the lightsaber cable rechargeable?)

※Is Yoda appearing? I would be happy if Yoda 100 years younger was made into a movie. I'm not sure if it will fire a small lightsaber, but it will be as strong as it is young.
