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スローンは帝国の体制崩壊を利用した 皇帝とヴェイダー卿を失った帝国は急速に弱体化します。 皇帝1人に権力が集中していたからです。権限移行について明確な規定はなかったので、総督モフたちは内乱を起こし、収拾がつかなくなります。   絶対的な第二の独裁者になることに彼らは必死でしたが、混沌と化します。 一度崩れた体制を立て直すのは本当に難しい。   そこに突如現れたのが死んだ筈のスローン大提督です。 複雑極まりない状況を把握していきますが、まさか本当に皇帝が死んだのには驚いたようです。 皇帝1人に依存するリスクが銀河中に露呈した今、スローンが警鐘していた通りになっていた。過度な中央集権の弊害や構造的な欠陥が次々に明らかになる。   まさにスローンが長年練り上げたファーストオーダー計画を始動する絶好の機会であります。 第二の皇帝になることを勧められても、断ったのです。中央集権の否定です。 皇帝1人に依存しない体制構築が、一気に本格化します。帝国の欠陥を次々に克服していく。 多過ぎず少な過ぎない参謀に権限を対等に分散、柔軟なシステムを構築します。 これは総督たちの内乱を鎮静化できます。中央集権体制を再建するより、はるかに低コストだ。 また肥大化した帝国を軽量化する為に、内乱を利用して削ぎ落とし効率化を図ります。   しかしスローンは何か不測の事態に直面、スノークに横取りされると思われます。 背後のシス・エターナルがスローンを用済みとみなした。 独裁者不在でも機能するファーストオーダーを構築したものの、結局脆弱な独裁者を一応配置されます。独裁と民主化のいいとこ取りです。   おそらくスローン自身、シス・エターナルに操られていた気がします。 ファーストオーダー計画は利用する価値があるが、いずれスローンを失脚させなければ、後で皇帝の脅威になるからです。 (皇帝を甦らせる上で、絶対的独裁者に依存しないシステムは利点が多かった)   一本化した統制を取らない次世代の帝国の構想に皇帝は興味を抱く、そして賞賛する。 まさかスローンが生きていた事実に、皇帝は驚愕しますが、それだけ貴重な考えを練っていたに違いないと見抜いた。銀河大戦から除外され、未知領域で練っていた貴重な考え。 皇帝は過度な権力を持ち過ぎていたと後悔、中央集権の弊害を認...

Ahsoka Episode 8 Impressions(Caution for spoilers)

⚪︎Diversionary operations

Sabine and Ezra send Balan and Shin away from the fortress. And conveniently, Ahsoka was still alive and went straight to Sabine. It distracts the enemy. Her first goal is probably to reunite with Sabine anyway.

She sends two minimal squads of troopers to buy time. Then, tired Ahsoka and the others are bombarded with Chimera fire from above. Later, the fortress was easily destroyed by Chimera's fire. The advantage of attacking from a high place.


Despite being hit with a barrage of gunfire, Ahsoka and her friends all survived! The fortress is invaded. Jedi are more trouble than the average rebel. Sloan reluctantly brings in the Night Troopers. I wanted to keep the trooper's casualties to a minimum, but I had no choice.

The look on Sloan's face at this moment is a must-see. My calculations were broken. But he soon calms down. There is also a second and third plan that I have kept.

(It's a completely different situation, but the change in Palpatine's complexion in the middle of EP1 The Phantom Menace comes to mind. "I'm going back to Naboo.")

The look on his face the moment his calculations go awry is a sight to behold. Actor Lars Mikkelsen's performance is superb! Unlike Vader, he doesn't wear a mask, so you can clearly see him.

⚪︎Desperate situation

Even Morgan fights, stopping Ahsoka in her tracks. Taking advantage of that opportunity, I boarded the plane and took off without any interference. Morgan never expected to be left behind by Sloane. It's a strategic sacrifice. Thanks to her, Sloan is able to escape. If Ahsoka had never come to this planet in the first place, she would never have been sacrificed.

Sloan wants to hyper jump as quickly as possible, but since Ahsoka is approaching, Sloan does it calmly and doesn't rush. If you make a mistake here, you will be trapped on this planet forever. In other words, if we can persevere here, we will be able to achieve considerable results. A split-second decision changes the fate of the galaxy.

However, they had no idea that Ezra was secretly on board. The Jedi hero who drove Thrawn to this planet has deceived him once again. Ezra and Sloan's relationship.

⚪︎Sloan is grateful to the Grade Mothers. It was Glade Mother who sent the signal to Morgan in the first place. Even if the Jedi Knights perish, users of the Force and magic will still be very useful. To put it bluntly, both the Emperor and Lord Vader were Force users. Thrawn must have regretted not being a Force sensual himself. If he could use the Force, he could be the Emperor's right-hand man! That's why I will be using Grade Mother heavily from now on!


Just one step away from cornering Sloan, he misses. The look on Ahsoka's face shows her fatigue and frustration. Not only does she miss Thrawn, she can't return to her galaxy. I can't even warn Hera.  

(During the Clone Wars, Anakin and Ahsoka were run away by Grievous and Dooku many times. The regret from that time will come back. However, this time it will be in a different dimension.)

I couldn't destroy the giant hyperspace ring, even though it was in scope! Perhaps Sloan had anticipated this and judged that there was no way he would attack. If it is destroyed, Ahsoka and her friends will not be able to return to their own galaxy.

(This is a completely later story, but during the time of the First Order, tracking technology using hyper jumps was established.)

⚪︎Ezra lands on Home One again on Baylan and Shin's ship. It's similar to the opening scene of the first episode. The ingenuity of Filoni's story is evident in this sense of unity at the beginning and end.

⚪︎What did Sloan carry? What's inside the coffin? What I understand is that Sloan succeeded in transporting everything. This is the biggest stepping stone for the sequel.

⚪︎Navigating in hyperspace

Sloan celebrates his victory. I didn't expect it to involve so many sacrifices, but it turned out to be a success. The first objective was accomplished perfectly. Despite being her enemy, she admired Ahsoka. Anakin Skywalker trained him. Although she was jealous of Lord Vader, she didn't want to lose to his apprentice Ahsoka.

Now, if you return to your original galaxy, won't you go to the Emperor? Does the Empire still exist?

The Emperor considers the loss of Thrawn to be the second greatest loss to the Empire after the destruction of the Death Star. Sloan will be used again. That is, if only the Emperor's one-power system could be maintained.

(It is better to keep the existence of the Grade Mother a secret from the emperor)

*The empire fell, the system ruled by the emperor collapsed, and democracy was restored. The remnants of the Empire have signed a truce. Sloane doesn't know that fact. Now that the Empire no longer exists, he declares his resurrection in the galaxy, and by appearing in public, he has few allies. The remnants of the Empire do not want to violate the armistice.

It will be difficult to take action now that we cannot use our vast military assets as we once did.
