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アコライト 第五話 感想(ネタバレ注意)

⚪︎シス卿現る シスは1000年の間、姿を隠し密かに潜伏していたが、この件でジェダイの前に姿を現す。秘密主義の掟を破ったのだ。明らかにリスクの高い行動である。 こうなった以上、ジェダイを全員始末するしかない。 カイミールという身分で偽っており、ジェダイに対する嫌悪感を抱いていたが、弟子のメイにも正体を明かす事となった。メイを二重で欺き、マスターへの忠誠を試していたのである。そして嘘をつかせない。嘘をついたとしても見抜ける。 ジェダイを戦闘で打ち負かしても、戦略的には負けたと思う。明らかに失態だ。ジェダイを死なせてはいけないんだよ! 自らを犠牲に仮面を破壊したパワダン、ジェキ・ロンに賛辞を送りたい。 マスター達がシスと戦っている間、メイを逮捕するなど戦場全体を俯瞰して行動できている。 ⚪︎評議会に報告するしかないが これだけジェダイの死傷者がいる以上、評議会に知らせず内々に処理するのは無理な気がする。子供のパダワンを含む犠牲をヨーダは感じているだろう。 しかしEP1になってシスが姿を現し存在が表面化した事実と矛盾する。 おそらくマスターソルは評議会に報告したくてもできないのではないか?コルサントに帰れない? シスがこの事態を隠蔽するには、ソルが帰るのに乗る船を破壊するのがいい。現地住民はいない。他に目撃者はいない。 ⚪︎ライトセーバーの性能 ジェダイ一行はシスと過激で熾烈な戦闘を繰り広げる。 この時代のライトセーバーはよく故障する。対ブラスターに重点をおき、対セーバー戦を想定していないので、パワーセルの電力が弱いと思われる。 一方のシスは、対セーバーを前提に作られているらしく、非常に高性能だ。 ⚪︎シスのフォーム カイミールの振り方は、明らかにダースシディアスの習得する型と似ている。暴力的でジェダイを出し抜く戦闘技術だ。 しかしどうやらジェダイの武芸には通じていないらしい。 おそらくカイミールは、のちのモールのように戦闘ドロイドを相手に訓練していたと思う。生身の相手よりマシンの方が冷酷だ。 ⚪︎ソルの反省 唯一の生き残りソルは、暗黒面に落ちかけた。復讐や怒りをジェダイは禁止している。 仲間の死体をその場に捨てている。執着は禁止されているからだ。 踏み止まれたオーシャに感謝している。オーシャは今ジェダイではないが、パダワンでよかった。

Emergency powers may have been Yoda's invention

A refresher on the Clone Wars plan

The Emperor, who brought the Clone Wars to an end, uncovers the fact that the Jedi were planning the battle and that they were controlling the war situation behind the scenes by manipulating both allies and enemies.

Most of the senators accept the Emperor's explanation and understand the scenario that the Jedi intended to make Palpatine a dictator and take over.

For this reason, it is convenient to argue that emergency powers were forcibly granted.

In fact, the establishment of emergency powers was essentially a forced vote.

The Senate, which had struggled to such an extent with the creation of a republican army and the possession of a regular army, suddenly approved the establishment of emergency powers in the face of security threats.

This weakness of democracy seemed to have come as a surprise to Palpatine, and he was hesitant about borrowing this much authority. He even made it clear that he would be happy to give it back when the crisis was over. (No one expected Palpatine to become a dictator)

Even before the Emergency Powers were established, Palpatine was assisted by Yoda's advice. Yoda's experienced advice was invaluable in dealing with the Senate's most complex challenges.

For many years, Yoda has been concerned about the senate's corruption and depravity, and has warned that he is unable to prepare for emergencies.

How should the Senate act in times of emergency? Yoda suggests that there is an option called emergency powers.

He temporarily borrows the power held by the Senate as prerogative, bypassing parliamentary resolutions and creating a swift and powerful top-down system. He can save slow and dull resolutions and parliamentary approvals.

When Lord Sidious hears of this method, he is very pleased.

In this case, you can fool the Senate by stating that you are only borrowing it temporarily and that you will be happy to return it later. If the crisis situation is prolonged after it is established, power will legally be concentrated in Palpatine's hands all at once.

Yoda proposed emergency powers, but he never thought they would actually pass. In other words, he did not imagine that the republic would face a crisis situation.

He also praises Palpatine's promise to Congress to return emergency powers. I felt relieved because it was a temporary exercise. He promises to quickly end the Clone Wars.

However, the end of the war was delayed considerably, and the day when prerogative powers were returned never came. The Senate will be eviscerated and an abnormal dictatorship will be established.

Yoda regretted his twisted use of emergency powers. He probably told everyone he shouldn't have told Palpatine about emergency powers. (He told the Sith Lord directly)

Yoda could not imagine a situation where emergency powers would not be returned. He was made to break his promise to the emperor.

(Mace and his friends also believed in the return of prerogatives, right? Anakin had doubts.)

If Yoda or the Council insisted on imposing emergency powers in the Senate, it would confirm the scenario that the Jedi orchestrated the war.
