Galactic-scale weapons industry
The weapons industry, the shadow foundation that supported the Empire, was very useful in weakening the Senate. By revitalizing the weapons industry, the employees, the voters who support the Senate, can be pleased. This was good for senators to solidify their support base.
As a result, the Senate cannot go against the weapons industry.
The weapons industry and the Imperial military are tightly colluded, and the Senate is used as it pleases. It is essential to revitalize the weapons industry by getting senators to loudly promote the threat of rebel elements, getting the Congress to approve increased weapons production, and increasing the military budget.
During the Clone Wars, new weapons industry factories and bases are established throughout the galaxy, and a wartime system is established. With huge emergency budgets, new weapons and innovative technologies are developed one after another, and become the military strength of the Republic Army.
The Clone Wars are structurally endless, so the weapons industry throughout the galaxy becomes a market and a platform, becoming stronger. It is the foundation that supports the Empire later.
The entire galaxy will no longer be able to resist the arms industry.
The arms industry throughout the galaxy was worried that the war would suddenly end and crash.
However, the Emperor did not end the war system, and did not disband the military, so the arms industry continued to thrive. The employees were happy, and the Senate was supported by the voters. They were grateful to the Empire.
Later, the Emperor dissolved the Senate. The arms industry's control structure had become so strong that the Senate was no longer necessary.
In other words, the arms industry on a galactic scale. It further strengthened and stabilized the market that had been rapidly built up during the Clone Wars. It solidified the foundations of the shadows.
It means that the war system will not end.
Employees who are loyal to the Empire will become minions of the Empire.
The Emperor's goal of an empire that will never be defeated by any powerful enemy country or organization is realized. The arms industry pledges loyalty to the Emperor.
But there is a problem. The arms industry itself will become exhausted.
While maintaining a wartime system allowed the Empire to maintain its system, it also stimulated the arms industry too much. This resulted in huge costs to maintain.
In the first place, it was impossible to continue a system that had been rapidly established during wartime forever after the war.
This point was pointed out within the Empire.
They had no choice but to ride on it because the foundations were so solid.