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スノークの死後、最高指導者に即位したカイロレンは指揮系統を再編します。 銀河全域における侵攻作戦は事実上、成功しましたが、今後長期的に体制を維持する必要があります。体制維持は侵攻作戦より莫大なコストが必要です。 しかしファーストオーダーは莫大なコストを有していませんでした。 元々、効率的な特殊作戦を目的とした低コストの軍事組織であり、帝国のような国家運営を想定していないのです。 各地で疲弊していく現状を把握したカイロレンは、全てのファーストオーダーを統合化していきます。実はカイロレンはファーストオーダーの真の実態を、スノークほど理解していなかった。 ファーストオーダーは帝国と構造が違い複雑です。 分散化した効率的な非中央集権体制などわからない。 すなわち弱い兵力で銀河を効率的に支配する事を迫られます。 統合化していく中、兵力物資の少なさに愕然とします。今後長期的な体制維持など無理だ。 スノークを葬る事でシステムを破綻させた事を後悔します。 かつての帝国を再現して、中央に君臨する皇帝にはなれない。プライド元帥は見抜いていた。 カイロレンはさらなる統合化を目指し、エクセゴルに誘われます。 シス・エターナルにとってはファイナルオーダーに移行する絶好の機会です。ファーストオーダーを救済しながら、主導権を奪う魂胆だ。 エクセゴルの艦隊を餌に、カイロレンを手玉に取る皇帝。 ファーストオーダーの疲弊はおいしい状況だった。体制維持を保障してやるのだ。 しかし物量で保障するのではない。多数の惑星破壊兵器を銀河全域の急所に展開させて、恐怖を最大化する。これにカイロレンは驚愕した。スターキラーより惑星破壊のハードルを大幅に低下させたのだ。 “銀河全域の星を少なくして効率化する” “少数の僕による完璧な銀河の統治” “惑星破壊の権限を1人で独占しない”

Yoda wanted to make Grogu his apprentice.

It is unclear whether Grogu, who is with the Mandalorian, is Yoda's illegitimate son or a clone.

It seems that Grogu was hidden within the Order.

He is a valuable asset to the Order with a strong force. He was raised in secret so as not to lose it. There is no way that Yoda could say that he had a son.

It seems that Yoda was supposed to train him eventually. Yoda has trained many apprentices for nearly a thousand years, but he has not taught them everything. Because none of them have a shorter lifespan than Yoda, they cannot become Yoda's true successor.

However, Grogu has a long lifespan like Yoda, and is worthy of being a successor.

He intends to teach him everything about the Jedi.

Therefore, in the history of the Jedi, the time required for training is extremely long. Patience is required.

Even if he was a son, I think he would train him while hiding the fact that he is a son.

It is difficult to replace the relationship between parent and child with that of master and apprentice, but Yoda could do it.

However, Order 66 is issued. After the end of the Clone Wars, Yoda returned from Kashyyyk and wanted to start training Grogu. With Mace defeated and the Temple under attack, he had no choice but to evacuate Grogu to a safe place.

The Emperor had almost taken away the Jedi's legacy, but he had no idea that Yoda had hidden Grogu. He helped Grogu escape from Coruscant without the Emperor noticing.

Did Padme know about Grogu? Even if she did, she wouldn't tell Anakin. Grogu escaped on Padme's ship. Did Yoda secretly contact Padme and help her escape?

If he had been a little later, Grogu would have been captured by the Empire.

After the issuance of Order 66, Yoda returned to the Temple and confirmed that Grogu had escaped. In addition to stopping the false orders sent to all Jedi, his purpose was to confirm Grogu's survival. (He doesn't tell Obi-Wan, who is upset about Anakin)

The shock of the destruction of the Order shortens his lifespan, and he gives up on training Grogu.

However, Luke, who becomes Yoda's apprentice, later ends up training Grogu. Yoda was surprised by this, and never imagined that Grogu's training would begin after his death.

Luke tells Grogu about Yoda, but it is unclear whether Grogu is Yoda's illegitimate child or a clone. Luke and Leia grew up unnoticed by the Empire, and Grogu also grew up unnoticed by the Empire.

Ahsoka knows something and wants Luke to tell her. That their mother Padme was involved. Did Yoda want Padme to raise Grogu along with Luke and Leia?

Ahsoka, who was at Padme's funeral, was disappointed that this did not happen. If Padme had been alive, there would have been no need to hide the twins separately.

Luke was happy to hear Ahsoka tell him about his parents. The proof is R2's memories.

Ahsoka's lessons are very useful in rebuilding the Order.

Luke tells Ahsoka that Leia is his sister. Ahsoka hadn't heard from Yoda that Padme was pregnant with twins.

Obi-Wan didn't tell Luke about Grogu.

He probably didn't know. He wanted Obi-Wan to prioritize Luke's survival, not Grogu. Incidentally, Obi-Wan never thought Ahsoka and Luke would be able to come into contact.

Yoda tells Luke about Anakin on his deathbed, but doesn't tell him that he has a son named Grogu at that point. Yoda's wish is for Luke, Leia, and Grogu to train together.

"I have a son."
