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アミダラ暗殺未遂事件の実行犯ジャンゴは、クローンウォーズ計画において重要な人物でした。 ティラナス卿に雇われ、クローントルーパーの製造に遺伝子を提供します。 多額の報酬を約束され、遺伝子操作をしない純粋なクローンのボバを息子にします。 エメリー、オメガもその過程で生み出されます。ボバ同様、遺伝子操作を施していません。 ジャンゴはカミーノ政府と長期的な契約を結び、遺伝子を提供し続ける筈でした。 クローン軍の目的が共和国に納入する事だと自覚していましたが、真の雇い主はティラナス卿です。 実はジャンゴはティラナス卿の正体を知っています。つまりドゥークー伯爵が敵である筈の共和国の軍隊の製造に関与している事を理解しているのです。 これはカミーノ人には言いません。ティラナス卿の正体を伏せていた訳です。 つまり双方の陣営に与するシスの操作を実証できる人物なのです。 ドゥークーは、アミダラ暗殺の実行にもジャンゴを雇います。 しかししくじります、困った事にジェダイが捜査に乗り出し、オビワンがカミーノに来てしまいます。こうしてジェダイと共和国にクローン軍の存在を明かした訳ですが、アミダラ暗殺事件の容疑者として、ジャンゴが連行されそうになります。 ジャンゴ自身、まずいと感じたらしく、ドゥークーのいるジオノーシスに逃れます。 オビワンは後を追い、ドロイド軍の存在にも気付きます。 ドゥークーはオビワンを捕らえ、ジャンゴについて否定します。 こうしてシスの計画は大幅に進展しました。シスが双方に与している訳ですが、同時にジェダイが双方に与している構図にもなりますね。ちなみにドゥークーは元ジェダイです。 ヨーダはこの事象や展開を探る為に、ジャンゴを確保したがっていました。 しかしジャンゴをメイスが殺害してしまいます。不可解なシスの計画をジェダイが早期に解明することは不可能になりました。 不思議な事に戦争末期、ジェダイはティラナス卿の正体を掴みます。サイフォ=ディアスの遭難信号を受信した事に端を発します。 ドゥークーがクローン軍の製造に関与している事を解明します。 ジェダイは、双方の陣営にシスが与している事を理解し始めるようになり、ダースシディアスの捜索が進展します。 ヨーダはドゥークーの背後にシディアスがいて指示していると考えていました。その通りです。 ヨーダはパルパティーンに報告します。 ジャン

What if Jango Fett was alive?

Jango, the perpetrator of the attempted assassination of Amidala, was an important figure in the Clone Wars plan.

He was hired by Lord Tyranus to provide genes for the production of clone troopers.

He was promised a large reward and made Boba, a pure clone without genetic manipulation, his son.

Emery and Omega were also born in the process. Like Boba, they were not genetically manipulated.

Jango signed a long-term contract with the Kamino government and was supposed to continue providing genes.

He was aware that the purpose of the clone army was to supply it to the Republic, but his true employer was Lord Tyranus.

In fact, Jango knows the true identity of Lord Tyranus. In other words, he understands that Count Dooku is involved in the production of the army of the Republic, which is supposed to be the enemy.

He does not tell this to the Kaminoans. This is why he kept Lord Tyranus' true identity a secret.

In other words, he is a person who can demonstrate the manipulation of the Sith who are on both sides.

Dooku also hires Jango to carry out the assassination of Amidala.

But things go wrong. To make matters worse, the Jedi start an investigation, and Obi-Wan comes to Kamino. Thus, the existence of the clone army is revealed to the Jedi and the Republic, but Jango is about to be taken away as a suspect in the assassination of Amidala.

Jango himself seems to have realized that this is not good, so he escapes to Geonosis where Dooku is.

Obi-Wan follows him and notices the presence of the droid army.

Dooku captures Obi-Wan and denies Jango.

Thus, the Sith's plan has made great progress. The Sith are on both sides, but at the same time, the Jedi are on both sides. By the way, Dooku is a former Jedi.

Yoda wanted to capture Jango to investigate these events and developments.

But Mace kills Jango. It became impossible for the Jedi to quickly unravel the mysterious Sith's plan.

Strangely, towards the end of the war, the Jedi discover the true identity of Lord Tyranus. It all started with the reception of a distress signal from Sifo-Dyas.

They discovered that Dooku was involved in the creation of the clone army.

The Jedi began to understand that both camps were being assisted by the Sith, and the search for Darth Sidious progressed.

Yoda believed that Sidious was behind Dooku and giving him orders.

Yoda reported this to Palpatine.

Although they ended up killing Jango, the Jedi were able to find out what Jango knew.

But it was too late, and it was all for naught when Sidious found out.

Sidious believed that if Jango had not been killed by the Jedi or fallen into their hands, the Kamino government's contract would have gone through.

Jango continued to provide genes to the Kamino government, so his genes would not have deteriorated in the creation of the clone troopers. What a shame.

In the first place, it was Tyranus' fault for hiring Jango to assassinate Amidala.

If Obi-Wan hadn't followed Jango to Kamino, the Jedi and the Republic would not have noticed the existence of the clone army.

But in the end, he would have ordered Tyranus to have the Kamino government inform the Jedi of the existence of the clone army. After all, the client was the Jedi. The Kamino government would have delivered the product to the Republic.

If the Empire could capture the remaining Boba, Omega, and Emery, they would have been able to recreate Jango Fett's genes. But Dr. Hemlock was unable to capture Boba.

If the Empire had captured Jango alive, they would have inherited the contract between the Kamino government and the Republic. Tipoca City would not have been destroyed. The clone army would have continued to be the Empire's main force.

The question Jango was wondering was why Tyranus didn't choose a Force-sensitive person to be the original clone instead of Jango himself. The idea of ​​applying midichlorians to all the clones was intriguing to the Kaminoans, but it seemed to have many drawbacks for the Sith Lords.
